Actor Keanu Reeves, whose superhit sci-fi franchise The Matrix is soon coming with a fourth installment, confirmed that the filming has resumed in Berlin. The film's production had halted in March due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Talking to Associated Press, Keanu said,“It’s great. It’s an honor to be working. I’m in Berlin, you can hear the sirens. You know, there’s some really thoughtful, effective protocols in place. The rhythm of filmmaking has been not really impacted or interrupted.”
"We're scrappy!" Keanu Reeves returned to playing Neo this summer on the Berlin set of "The Matrix 4." He says producers have "thoughtful, effective protocols in place" to keep cast and crew safe. Reeves spoke while promoting @BillandTed3.— AP Entertainment (@APEntertainment) August 16, 2020
Apart from Keanu, the original cast members of the franchise who will be returning are Jada Pinkett Smith and Carie-Ann Moss. Priyanka Chopra, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Jessica Henwick, Neil Patrick Harris and Jonathan Groff are new cast members joining the franchise.
Recently Priyanka Chopra had shared a picture where she was seen travelling. She had captioned the picture, "Wanderlust."
Many fans had speculated that she had resumed work and was travelling to join the cast of Matrix 4 in Berlin.
The Matrix film series started in 1999 with the first film directed by Lana Wachowski and Lilly Wachowski, who went on to direct The Matrix Reloaded and The Matrix Revolutions in 2003. Lilly Wachowski will not return as director and Matrix 4 will be Lana's solo project.
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