Following the release of Avengers: Endgame, fans were prepared to bid farewell to the first roster of heroes. For this reason, it came as a major surprise when it was revealed at the San Diego Comic-Con that a fourth Thor film was underway. On top of that, Natalie Portman was set to return in the film not just as Jane Foster but as the Goddess of Thunder herself.
Taika Waititi recently revealed that he had finished working on the script for the film. While the script is ready, the cast is yet to read it. Waititi had prior to writing the script suggested that he would include Jane Foster's breast cancer along with her becoming Thor.
Natalie Portman has no confirmation on that yet but expressed her opinion on that potential narrative. Speaking to Variety she said, "It’s just very rare that these kinds of big entertainment films look at more serious, real-life issues. I really don’t know anything about it. I haven’t seen anything, but I’ve heard the same rumors as you have, and it’s exciting to think about."
Waititi had earlier confirmed that one of the reasons for the breast cancer storyline being in Love and Thunder was because it was his personal favorite. He had said, "I think that’s a really powerful part of the books. I think it’s really cool that she’s fighting this thing and there are two battles going on. Personally I really love that storyline. But whether it ends up in the film is yet to be seen."
Thor: Love and Thunder is set to release on November 5, 2021.
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