Sona Mohapatra Takes on "Talented Thug" Salman on Her FB Post
Sona Mohapatra Takes on "Talented Thug" Salman on Her FB Post
Sona Mohapatra took to Facebook to express her dissatisfaction and her general attitude towards rape.

Singer Sona Mohapatra, who took a stand against Salman Khan on Twitter over his "rape" remark, got trolled by Salman Khan fans. Now she has taken to Facebook to vent her feelings.

In a stinging post, which she contextualises in the backdrop of news of a brutal rape incident in Bihar's Motihari district on Thursday, the singer comes out in no-holds-barred onslaught on Salman's fans, followers, peers and media, who she blames for the "poison" that flows unhindered.

"The fact that I have been mercilessly trolled in the last 48 hours, with 1000's of rape threats, inundated with morphed naked porn images & threatened to be put out of work & lots more is only an indication of the poison in our society," she writes.

"Poison that gets a chance to flow freely when national 'Icons' created not only by their followers & audience but encouraged by their peers & media, regularly misbehave, talk rubbish, do rubbish, don't get punished, don't learn from their mistakes but instead get encouraged, celebrated, pack cinema halls & become brand ambassadors of 'goodwill'," she adds.

Displaying resilience, Sona writes she will not be deterred as she has "trained all my life for this". "Have to get up, dust myself & live a life worth living," she emphasises.

Sona does not pull her punch, calling him out for threats she has received. "Who will put us out of 'work'?? Salman Khan??!! That 'talented' (!?) thug? I don't think so," she writes.

Here's what the singer wrote.

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