Best Energy Supplements - Vitamins for Tiredness and Focus
Best Energy Supplements - Vitamins for Tiredness and Focus
We think this is a bad idea in the long run, since these chemicals can do harm when taken for longer periods of time.

In today’s day and age, many people suffer from a lack of energy in their every day lifes. Stress, anxiety, hard work, and weather changes are just several factors that can cause your energy levels to drop down.

To feel more energized, a lot of people decide to take energy drinks or even prescribed medication (certain chemicals) that are supposed to enhance their energy levels.

We think this is a bad idea in the long run, since these chemicals can do harm when taken for longer periods of time.

An alternative to energy drinks and prescribed medication would be energy dietary supplements. In this article, we have prepared a list of the best energy supplements that you can currently find on the market.

These supplements work by delivering crucial nutrients that are intended to enhance your energy levels to a significant degree.

What’s also good is that they are completely natural, free of any harmful additives, have no proprietary blends, and can be taken safely long-term without having to worry about adverse reactions.

Before providing you with the list of the best energy supplements, let’s take a look at some of the most important things to look out for in a high-quality energy supplement.


Yes, energy supplements can indeed work, but only if you pick the right ones. Energy supplements on our list are also called nootropics, brain pills, or brain supplements.

They are not only beneficial for boosting energy levels, but they also help to support other areas of brain health, such as focus, memory, stress reduction, elimination of brain fog, and so on. It’s not a surprise why they are called brain supplements.

We like to call these products vitamins for the brain – if you were to call them like this, you wouldn’t be wrong in our opinion.

To find out if you’re choosing the correct energy supplement for your needs, some things to look out for include: the manufacturer (its reliability), ingredient formula of each product (is it free of additives and potentially harmful fillers, is it free of proprietary blends, and is it all-natural), what the customers think about the product, and overall safety of the product.

If you spot a proprietary blend inside, avoid that product. A proprietary blends means that the individual ingredient dosages are hidden, so you can’t be a hundred percent sure how effective and safe they really are.

Make sure that the products pass the safety criteria, and investigate the ingredients inside to make sure they are really effective and backed by science.

Our list of best energy supplements included only premium products that are carefully made in the FDA-inspected facilities. This speaks a lot about their quality. They are also one hundred percent natural and free of any potentially harmful filler ingredient.

These also have excellent customer reviews and are endorsed by professionals and some celebrities.

Here are the three best energy supplements in 2023:



  • Nourishes the brain with the essential nutrients it needs to stay as sharp as possible
  • Increases focus, attention, motivation, drive, and mental clarity
  • Lowers down stress and anxiety levels
  • Provides long-lasting effects
  • Diminishes brain fog and fatigue
  • Helps with ADHD

As you can see, the benefits from taking Vyvamind look very good. But does this product really work as it is claimed to? To find that out, we’ll have to dive deep into the ingredient formula.

Before that, let’s look at some other facts about Vyvamind.

Vyvamind is made by the company called SAP Nutrition, or SAP Nutra. It is a respected manufacturer from the United Kingdom with promising reviews online.

While inspecting their website, we noticed that SAP Nutra puts a lot of effort into producing supplements that are suitable for every type of person. This is a big plus, because, for example, if you have a sensitive stomach, you won’t have to worry about any side effects when taking its products such as Vyvamind.

Let’s take a closer look at the formula.



  • Citicoline (200mg)
  • L-Theanine (150mg)
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (75mg)
  • L-Tyrosine (300mg)
  • Vitamin B6 (2.5mg)
  • Vitamin B12 (50mcg)

There are 6 ingredients in Vyvamind. This is not a lot, but all of them are beneficial for each individual brain health area. This makes Vyvamind a great choice for sensitive people who want to get extreme benefits, while still having a light supplement on their stomach.

Vyvamind is a broad-spectrum and intensely focused nootropic that offers total brain support with a focus on enhancing attention, mental acuity, and processing speed.

CITICOLINE – is a natural brain booster that has been proven to improve cognitive functioning and memory. It works by increasing the levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that helps with memory formation and recall. It also increases the levels of dopamine, which helps to improve focus, mood, and concentration. Additionally, this nutrient has been found to reduce fatigue and help with stress management.

L-THEANINE – can help reduce stress, improve focus and concentration, and increase alertness. It also helps to improve mood and cognitive performance. In addition, research suggests that L-theanine may help protect against age-related cognitive decline and neurodegenerative diseases 

CAFFEINE ANHYDROUS –  is a form of caffeine that has been dehydrated to remove any water molecules. It is the most potent form of caffeine and can be used to boost mental focus, energy levels, and alertness. It has been studied extensively for its potential benefits on cognitive performance and brain health. Research suggests that Caffeine Anhydrous can help improve memory, focus, reaction time, and more. Avoid taking it before bed since it can cause sleep issues.

L-TYROSINE – an amino acid that plays a vital role in maintaining brain health and cognitive performance. It helps to increase the production of neurotransmitters, which are responsible for sending signals between nerve cells in the brain. Additionally, it helps to reduce stress levels, improve memory and focus, and increase mental clarity.

VITAMIN B6 & B12 – these are the essential vitamins that play a key role in maintaining healthy brain function. These vitamins help to improve cognitive performance, reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease, and even enhance mood. Studies have shown that Vitamin B6 and B12 can improve memory, focus, concentration, and reaction time. They also help to protect the brain from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin B12 is also extremely crucial for energy levels, so it’s good to see it included in Vyvamind.


Vyvamind is safe due to its natural formula and clinical ingredient doses. We don’t think it will cause any side effects. In fact, it is a much safer alternative to medication and energy drinks, so you can consume it without fear long-term. Some people are using it as a form of alternative ADHD medication, however please consult with a doctor before doing this says Chris from


Vyvamind can be purchased for $74.99 on It is quite expensive, but you get a 2-month supply for that price.


If you’re looking to boost your energy levels to a significant extent, and protect all other key areas of brain health without having to worry about side effects, you’ve found the right supplement in the form of Vyvamind.

Its quite different from the competition on our list due to its natural and highly potent formula that is light on the stomach at the same time. This is why we rank it as the best energy supplement at the moment.



Providing the similar benefits like Vyvamind, Nooceptin is another top-notch brain booster supplement made by the same company – SAP Nutrition.

How does it actually work? It works through some of the key nutrients for brain health which are essential for optimal energy levels and proper brain health.

Let’s take a look at them. With each serving, you get the following ingredients:

  • Lion’s Mane Extract (400mg)
  • Citicoline (200mg)
  • L-Theanine (200mg)
  • Panax Ginseng Extract (200mg)
  • Rhodiola Rosea Extract 
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract (150mg)
  • Ginkgo Biloba Extract (100mg)

Nooceptin uses 7 ingredients, unlike Vyvamind that has 6 ingredients. However, this does not make Nooceptin more effective than its competitor. 

They are all equally effective in our opinion due to some ingredients here that aren’t included, but are very essential, such as L-Tyrosine.

There are some new ingredients added to Nooceptin that we haven’t previously seen in Vyvamind, such as Bacopa Monnieri Extract. Bacopa commonly known as Brahmi, is an ancient Ayurvedic herb with a long history of use in traditional Indian medicine. It has been used for centuries to treat a variety of neurological conditions, including anxiety, depression and epilepsy. In recent years, research has shown that Bacopa monnieri may also have beneficial effects on cognitive performance and memory.

Another new and interesting ingredient is Lion’s Mane Extract. It has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to promote mental clarity, focus, and energy levels. Studies have shown that it has neuroprotective properties that can help improve cognitive functions such as memory, learning, and concentration. Additionally, Lion’s Mane extract can also boost your energy levels and help you stay alert and energized throughout the day.

Rhodiola Rosea Extract primarily helps to reduce stress and anxiety, while Panax Ginseng Extract is another nutrient beneficial for memory, concentration, and mood while also providing increased physical and mental energy. The extract also contains antioxidants that can help protect the brain from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.


Yes, Nooceptin is another natural and safe nootropic overall. It should provide you with the long-lasting effects on the brain, while being safe in the long run.


Nooceptin costs $69.00 on the official site for a one-month supply. It is quite expensive, but very worth it in our opinion.


With all being said, Nooceptin has a highly potent formula, there’s no doubt. If you’re looking for a caffeine-free energy supplement, look no further; give Nooceptin a try, it won’t leave you unhappy.




  • Sharper focus
  • Improved problem-solving skills
  • Increased mental alertness and memory
  • Eye protection from electronics and so called screen fatigue
  • Eliminates brain fog and fatigue
  • Contains only ingredients that are backed by studies

The third best energy supplement on our list is Noocube. It is made by Wolfson Brands, another reputable company.

Noocube is quite different from the competition due to its formula which has slightly different ingredients that support the immune system, as well as the brain. Let’s take a closer look. These are the ingredients inside:

  • Bacopa Monnieri (250mg)
  • Huperzia Serrata (20mg)
  • Lutemax
  • Pterostilbene (140mcg)
  • Resveratrol (14.3mg)
  • L-Theanine (100mg)
  • L-Tyrosine (250mg)
  • Alpha GPC (50mg)
  • Oat Straw Extract
  • Cat’s Claw Extract
  • Vitamin B1 (1.1mg)
  • Vitamin B7 (50mcg)
  • Vitamin B12 (2.5mcg)

First of all, there are many more ingredients included in Noocube than in Nooceptin or Vyvamind. However, this does not mean that Noocube is more effective.

Why is that? Well, it has some underdosed nutrients. For example, L-Theanine, which is required for stress and anxiety reduction, is at 100mg, while Nooceptin offers 200mg of that same nutrient, and Vyvamind offers 150mg.

Another underdosed nutrient in Noocube is Vitamin B12, which is a key nutrient for all those looking to boost their energy levels. At 2.5mcg, it won’t do a lot. For the sake of comparison, Vyvamind offers 50mcg of that same vitamin per serving.

Other ingredients in the formula are decent for overall brain health. We can see Bacopa, L-Tyrosine, Alpha GPC, and several other nutrients that are highly potent at improving memory, focus, and boosting energy levels.

Resveratrol is a very interesting ingredient here. While it doesn’t benefit the brain directly, it is a powerful antioxidant that can help reduce inflammation and support the immune system, which can automatically lead to better brain health in the long run.


Noocube should be safe for most people and shouldn’t cause any side effects if taken with the recommended dosages. However, since it has more ingredients, the formula could cause minor side effects such as stomach upset or nausea in extremely sensitive people. These are very rare and usually happen only if the manufacturer’s instructions are not followed.


A bottle of Noocube (a one-month supply) can be purchased through the official website for the price of $64.99. We think it is slightly overpriced mainly because the formula has some issues.


If you don’t have a sensitive stomach, and want a caffeine-free brain supplement that will boost your energy levels to some extent, and support other key areas of brain health, as well as the immune system; Noocube is a decent choice. 

However, because the formula has some slight issues, such as a few underdosed ingredients, we had to put this one on the third spot. It is not the best supplement for energy, but is much better than most products on the market due to a clean formula with no proprietary blends and harmful fillers.



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