Boost Your Bone Strength? These Ayurveda Tips Might come Handy
Boost Your Bone Strength? These Ayurveda Tips Might come Handy
Dr Nikita Kohli, an Ayurvedic expert shared an Instagram post where she penned down the appropriate measures to achieve the objective.

Prevention is always better than cure and more so when it’s about our bones. From providing structure to protecting organs and more, our bones have several roles to play. It is never too late or early to start taking care of your bone health. Now, the question is, how? Dr Nikita Kohli, an Ayurvedic expert shared an Instagram post where she penned down the appropriate measures to achieve the objective.

Mention the several functions of bones she highlights how necessary it is to maintain bone health. Nikita claims that doing so aids in preventing bone problems in the later stages of life.

Listed below are the ayurvedic ways suggested by the expert to strengthen your bones:

  1. Dairy products should be consumed appropriately.
  2. Make sure not to consume caffeinated and alcoholic drinks excessively.
  3. Intaking about five to ten soaked almonds regularly is a must for strong bones.
  4. Sesame seeds are the best source of calcium for the bones. Eat one tablespoon of seeds with water every day in the morning.
  5. Make green vegetables your best buddies.

Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triage Pose)

  1. Stand at the front of the mat.
  2. Turn to face the mat’s long side with your left foot forward.
  3. Turn out your right leg so that your foot and knee are at least 90 degrees apart.
  4. Lengthen your torso over your leg.
  5. Put your left hand down on a block, the ground, or your shin.
  6. Then, stretch your right arm.

Virabhadrasana 2

  1. Form an extended triangle with your leg.
  2. After lifting your torso, bend your front knee over your left heel.
  3. Actively stretch your arms out to your sides at shoulder height.
  4. In case you continue to witness issues related to your bones, consult a doctor to prevent the issues from aggravating.

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