Shah Rukh Khan’s fans have been waiting with bated breath to get a glimpse of the actor as he has been avoiding the paparazzi for quite some time now. However, King Khan recently returned to Mumbai after finishing the London schedule for his upcoming film Dunki and this time, the actor let the shutterbugs capture a clear glimpse of him. SRK and Taapsee Pannu were in London recently shooting for Rajkumar Hirani’s film. The actor returned to Mumbai on Thursday and was clicked exiting the airport.
He donned a causal white t-shirt paired with a camouflage jacket and blue pants. The actor completed his looks with a cap and a pair of sunglasses. Exuding uber cool vibes, he walked towards his car. Watch the video here:
Earlier, a couple of photos were leaked from the sets of Dunki featuring Shah Rukh, Taapsee, and Hirani. Although SRK’s look has not been unveiled from the film, a new leaked picture gave a close look at him. In the picture, Shah Rukh is seen wearing an all-black outfit. He was seen paying attention to Hirani while the crew surrounded them.
Last week, a picture of Shah Rukh Khan and Taapsee Pannu in the streets of London leaked online. In the picture, SRK was seen down on one knee with a confused expression on his face while he held a bag in his hands. On the other hand, Taapsee sports a big smile while a bag is on her shoulder. It seems like the duo is off on a journey together. The movie will be released in theatres on December 22, 2023.
Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan is all set to make his comeback on the silver screen after five years with the film Pathaan. Following that, he will also be seen in Atlee’s Jawan with Nayanthara.
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