Do you experience severe headaches during your menstrual cycle every month? You could be suffering from pure menstrual migraine (PMM). It was Dr Sudhir Kumar, who works as a neurologist at the Apollo Hospitals in Hyderabad, who shared a 32-year-old woman named Tina’s story on Twitter. While women generally experience stomach cramps, mood swings, and stomach aches during periods, Tina would also have to battle severe headaches for approximately 3-4 days of her menstrual cycle.
The several pain usually began two days before the menses or during the first two days of her period. Prior to the birth of her 2-year-old child, she had regular cycles but it quickly changed when her pain on an analog scale measured at 7 (where 10 is the most severe pain, and 0 is the absence of pain). Besides this, the woman would also face nausea, vomiting, and dizziness, rendering her completely incapacitated for several days. This took a toll on her personal and professional life and failing to report to work during these days led her to resign from her position at work.
Tina seemingly took help from gynaecologists and physicians for treatment but nothing helped until she was recommended to consult a neurologist. The doctor said, “Headaches started 2 yrs back (post-delivery). She had no prior headaches. They occurred on two days before menses or on the first two days of menses. There was no aura prior to the headache. There were no other precipitating factors. The diagnosis was catamenial migraine, also called pure menstrual migraine (PMM),” he stated. According to the expert, migraine is trigged by estrogen withdrawal during the period cycle.
Tina dreaded those 3 days every month1. 32-year old Tina was happy & cheerful for 27-28 days every month, however, she feared facing the remaining 3-4 days. She hopelessly wished that those days never ever came, but that was not possible. #medTwitter #neurotwitter
— Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (@hyderabaddoctor) March 12, 2023
What is menstrual migraine?
Menstrual migraine also known as hormone headaches result in debilitating pain that women often describe as throbbing and pulsing. It occurs right before or during periods and tends to get worse lasting for several days. According to Cleveland Clinic, it occurs due to a sudden estrogen drop in the body that happens before the start of the menstrual flow.
What can be done to prevent it?
“Medical treatment on those 5 days results in excellent relief from headache & better quality of life,” says Dr. Sudhir Kumar.
12. Take home message*Headaches occurring on 2 days prior to menses or during first 3 days of menses during 2 out of 3 previous months is suggestive of pure menstrual migraine.*Medical treatment on those 5 days results in excellent relief from headache & better quality of life.— Dr Sudhir Kumar MD DM (@hyderabaddoctor) March 12, 2023
There are several medicines recommended by health practitioners to subside the pain. Along with it increasing the intake of magnesium, exercising regularly, and nerve stimulation are other treatment options.
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