Twitter User Says She Survived in Mumbai on Rs 23K Salary, Slammed for 'Romanticising' Low Pay
Twitter User Says She Survived in Mumbai on Rs 23K Salary, Slammed for 'Romanticising' Low Pay
Desi Twitter has been debating the alleged pros and cons of living on extremely low pay in metro cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Bengaluru.

Being a freshly employed person in any Indian city involves a double whammy that most don’t experience till that point of life. Balancing your work life on bitterly low pay and simultaneously maintaining your personal/social life involves running through several hoops every single day. Voicing her frustration with the same, a Twitter user recently wrote, “Why are fresher salaries so low? How is someone supposed to survive on it in a metro city? With 50k a month you’ll barely have any savings. Not everyone can take money from their families!”

Though most people empathised with the situation, some tried to normalise living on low pay and claimed that one would be better for it. “Okay controversial opinion but there’s an upside to taking a hit on your lifestyle and living in a metro on a tight budget. It is an important part of growing up. You learn budgeting, side hustles, jugaad.. Things you won’t learn in your parents’ protective bubbles,” one Twitter user wrote in part of a thread. She clarified that jobs with bitterly low salaries meant to gatekeep were not the subject of her thread. Read the full thread here:

However, many people pointed out that the “hustle culture” might prove to be counterproductive to people. The extremely low salaries also mean that people without financial backing from their families cannot take those jobs at all. The person defending “hustle culture”, however, mentioned that she was talking about financially privileged people.

It’s an important discussion, but are the corporates listening? At the end of the day, capitalism offers growth to one class of people and bleeds the other class dry.

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