Beat the Heat: Simple Hydrating Tips for Busy Professionals in the Summer
Beat the Heat: Simple Hydrating Tips for Busy Professionals in the Summer
Whether you work from home or in an office, these hydrating tips will help you feel refreshed, energized and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining optimal health and productivity, especially for working professionals who often have busy schedules and long work hours. We all know about the myriad benefits of water and the importance of electrolytes, let’s explore the different ways to ensure that you are getting enough fluids to keep your body and mind functioning at their best.

Sowmya Theagarajan, NASM certified Nutritionist, Fast&Up, says,Water is an essential element required by our body. It ensures the proper functioning of all your organs and systems in the body. Your body is smart and shows signals when it’s dehydrated. Wrinkled skin, dry, chapped lips, flaky scalp, more hunger, or even general irritability can be your body’s way of telling you that you need to consume more water. We often ignore these signals as we are so busy working in our 9 to 5 jobs.”

Manisha Chopra, dietitian and fitness expert feels it is crucial to drink enough water at work as drinking water increases metabolism and lessens daytime fatigue. “Dehydration can cause headaches, impaired memory, and even lower productivity at work. When you start to feel thirsty, it’s too late because you’ve already been dehydrated,” adds Chopra.

We frequently drink more tea and coffee while working in an office, which dehydrates rather than hydrates our bodies.

Whether you work from home or in an office, these hydrating tips will help you feel refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way.

Bigger & fancier water bottles: If you are lazy to walk down to the water cooler for a refill or forget to refill when the bottle is empty, then this hack is for you. Invest in fancy-looking water bottles that draw your attention to sip water. Buy larger bottles containing 2-3 liters of water and ensure you finish it through the day. This saves you at least one walk to the water cooler.

Also Read: Want To Eliminate Distractions At Work? 5 Strategies To Help You Focus

Cold soups: Summers are here, and you may not like hot soups. The internet is flooded with recipes for cold soups perfect for summer. Pumpkins, gourds, or even leafy greens like spinach can be used to make these. It’s also an excellent way to sneak in your veggies.

Coconut water: This is a perfect summer drink that provides a kick of essential electrolytes for your body. Avoid packaged coconut water. Instead, opt to drink it directly from the coconut. It’s local, sustainable, and degradable.

Water-rich foods: Ensure you eat foods rich in water content, like cucumbers, melons, citrus fruits, etc. Another smart way of adding more water is to make your dals, buttermilk and lassi watery.

Electrolytes supplements: Lastly, if you move/travel around a lot during the day (in case of a field job), ensure you consume good quality supplements that replenish the electrolytes you lose by sweating.

Healthy Snacks

Instead of unhealthy snacks, choose hydrating fruits like watermelons, berries, cucumbers, etc.

Urge your staff to drink more water. By making water and other healthier drinks readily available during meetings and throughout the workday, employers can encourage staff to hydrate themselves.

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