Chennai student Ch Kumar Satya Chandramouli was bound to take a train to his home in Andhra Pradesh on Saturday to celebrate Diwali with his family. However, when he approached the coach, he first mistook it for a general compartment. He was shocked to discover that his seat in the sleeper class compartment was occupied by two ticketless passengers. While speaking to Moneycontrol, he explained, “It was so crowded. There was barely any place to move around. I had to squabble for 15 minutes for those occupying my seat to vacate it but there were so many bags left by other people that there was barely any space to sit at all.”
Taking to his official ‘X’ handle, he shared a video of overcrowded compartments with people lying on top of each other. There is no sense of privacy or safety as per the video.
“Is this the way that Indian railways maintain the trains? I am traveling from Chennai Central (MAS) to Rajamundry (RJY) in train 06071 Mas Src sf Spl I booked sleeper class ticket with PNR 4604702320(coach S1 & seat number 8) and I am feeling very insure,” he wrote while tagging Indian Railways. Here, have a look at the viral video:
@IRCTCofficial I don't is this the way that Indian railways maintain the trains ?Iam traveling from Chennai Central (MAS) to Rajamundry (RJY) in train 06071 Mas Src sf Spl I booked sleeper class ticket with PNR 4604702320(coach S1 & seat number 8) and I am feeling very insure— mouli ch (@Mouli_CH_) November 11, 2023
Since being uploaded, the video has gone viral and shocked people on social media. “Always the same problem bro. I have seen a lot of trains crowded with people. Lots of complaints, nobody taking any action,” commented an ‘X’ user.
Another person wrote, “This is very serious. Railways just want to fill up the coaches without bothering for the safety of passengers. It always happens. I think people should approach courts to pin the railways and ask for penalty as well as compensation. Accountability must be fixed.”
“There were people sitting even inside the washroom.” He further added that he was shouted at when he tried to use it. “The toilet was filthy and there was no water. Chandramouli further explained that he felt unsafe on the train because several of the ticketless travellers were drunk and openly trying to molest women passengers.
“Once, I saw this guy who was smoking trying to grope a woman who was trying to get off the train… I tried to shield her as much as I could because I too was getting off at the same station, but she looked visibly uncomfortable,” he said.
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