Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer North), Ravi Kumar Singh said a truck bearing Haryana registration crossed the central divider of GT Karnal road and rammed into the other truck carrying kanwariyas (devotees of Lord Shiva)
Two trucks collided head-on in outer Delhi early Thursday, leaving four ‘kanwariyas’ dead and 15 others injured, police said.
A call about the accident was received at 12.44 am, they said.
Deputy Commissioner of Police (Outer North), Ravi Kumar Singh said a truck bearing Haryana registration crossed the central divider of GT Karnal road and rammed into the other truck carrying kanwariyas (devotees of Lord Shiva).
While four pilgrims died on the spot, 15 others were injured. “We have registered a case under 279 (rash driving) and 304 A (Causing death due to negligence) at the Alipur police station and further investigation is in progress,” the DCP said.
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