From Stalking To Baby Daddies: Singles Share Their Horror Stories On Dating Apps
From Stalking To Baby Daddies: Singles Share Their Horror Stories On Dating Apps
The dating world is brutal, and casual dating apps make it even more so. The good news is, dating horrors like these? They're completely avoidable

Without a doubt, finding a partner has always been, and will always require work. Casual dating apps in the market have undoubtedly made the dating process very exciting – but ultimately, if you are looking for love, it’s a rather empty experience.

From ghosting to unsolicited pictures, casual dating is beginning to feel more like a horror film than a romantic comedy. So, Aisle, a dating app asked a few of their users on social media about their horrifying casual dating experiences. Needless to say, some users had hilarious incidents to share from casual dating apps. Here are a few stories directly from the source. Take a look

The Stalking Enthusiast

After being single for a long time, a friend suggested I try *a very popular casual dating app*. A few minutes later, I created my profile – and immediately matched with a guy.

It had only been a few seconds before he messaged me – Hello! I took a few minutes and responded. He quickly followed it up with, ‘So where are you from?’ Before I could even start typing, he asked, ‘what do you do?’ followed by, ‘do you stay on your own?’, ‘where is your office?’, ‘beaches or mountains?’, ‘do you drink?’, ‘want to go out for coffee?’… ‘You also ask something!’

I wish I was exaggerating, but I received a new notification from him every few seconds!

It was beginning to feel like an interrogation; worst still, it felt like I was in a scene from Shah Rukh Khan’s film Darr. I immediately blocked him and deleted the casual dating app.

The Baby Daddy

Our first conversation after matching, absolutely spectacular. Having had many bad experiences over the years, I have a rule with anyone interesting I meet – always ask them if they’re married, or dating. 9 out of 10 times, the guy ends up confessing that he’s married.

However, despite repeated and varied ways of asking him the question, he maintained that he wasn’t married. He even made a joke about it! Naturally, I assumed the best. We were in different cities and he wanted to meet, so he came down for a weekend. A couple of hours into meeting, he started getting fidgety and bothered for no reason.

So, I persuaded him to open up. Oh boy, Pandora’s Box! He was happily married with a baby on the way. Apparently, the wife wasn’t showing him as much affection as he expected, and he hadn’t felt a connection like this one in a very long time. I showed him the door and never heard back from him.

Our very own Typhoid-mary

Between the end of the first and second wave of the pandemic, I had matched with a girl who worked in the city I was living in but had returned to her hometown during the lockdown. The connection was great, and we spoke on the phone almost every day. I really liked her. We even made a pact not to video call each other to keep some excitement alive.

At the end of the second wave, when things began to return to normal, she finally returned to the city. I was so excited to meet her in person. Although she had a minor cold, she told me she was vaccinated, so we went out for dinner and drinks. The conversation was great, and our vibe was off the charts – or so I thought! At the end of our date, I dropped her home, and we kissed goodbye.

The following day I woke up with flu-like symptoms. I texted her multiple times but got no response. As the day progressed, my ‘cold’ grew worse, as did the ‘cold shoulder’ from her end. I tested positive for COVID – thanks to her, and she completely disappeared.

I know she is alive and kicking, but I never heard back from her after that.

The Conspiracy Theorist

I had recently broken up with my partner of four years. Safe to say, I had been out of the dating game for far too long. I matched with what my friends call ‘my type’ of guy – the hippie, artistic, musician, with multiple tattoos and a penchant for endless intellectual conversations. I was overly cautious – we even spoke on text for a week. I won’t lie … I was really, really into it.

Then, on our first date, his personality took a 360. To make things worse, he looked nothing like his photos on the app – a cheap copy, rather.

After checking me out super obviously, he began ranting about how beautiful women – ‘had it much better in life.’ In his expert opinion, ‘all beautiful women like me’ didn’t need to work hard to move up in life. The icing on the cake was when he claimed ‘consent was only an excuse’ that most women used to get out of bad dates.

I left instantly. We never saw each other again, but I am happy to report that he got a lesson on feminism, consent and 500 rupees for my coffee.

The Smooth Millionaire

You know those dating profiles with near-perfect images – the one where you know the person has expensive taste, is well travelled and enjoys a good time – yes, that one! I matched with someone similar and was genuinely excited to meet. Within a day of us chatting, he asked me out to dinner at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city. I spent the entire day dressing up for the occasion. He came to receive me in a large cab, dripping with brands and looking as dapper as his pictures.

On reaching the restaurant, we tried everything from the menu that looked and sounded good. Being in a very good place in my career, I earn a considerable salary. I was impressed to finally meet someone who loved to have a good time like me. We drank expensive alcohol and had a really great time.

At the end of our date, before the waiter got our bill, he confessed that he was broke. He then requested I pay for the entire dinner. Surprised, I told him he didn’t look broke, to which he admitted everything he was wearing were first copies.

I am not sure what shocked me more, paying the full bill or how good the first copies were.

The dating world is brutal, and casual dating apps make it even more so. The good news is, dating horrors like these? They’re completely avoidable. By redefining dating intentions early on, you can find real romance and not just another story to add to a list of dating horrors.

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