Why Should You Appreciate Your Partner? Know How To Master The Art
Why Should You Appreciate Your Partner? Know How To Master The Art
As human beings, all of us crave to be appreciated. When you appreciate your partner, it boosts their self-confidence and also strengthens your relationship

The chances of a relationship succeeding often soar when both partners put in the effort to make it work. From respecting one another to ensuring smooth communication, it is important to keep working on your relationship to maintain the spark. However, appreciating your partner is one important aspect that we often overlook. Hence, Jordan Dann, a somatic therapist, dropped a post on her Instagram space where she explained the necessity of appreciating one another in a relationship.

Why is appreciating your partner so important?

While acknowledging that conflicts are inevitable in a relationship, Jordan penned that it is crucial to have more goodwill and high regard to lean into when conflict arises. Appreciating your partner is an art that requires creativity, skill, and attention. And it is crucial for one to work on it since it is fundamental for a healthy relationship. As human beings, all of us crave to be appreciated. When you appreciate your partner, it boosts their self-confidence, revitalizes them and also strengthens your relationship with them. “Appreciations are the wellspring of intimate partnership, and it is vital to relational health to engage in daily intentional replenishment of this wellspring,” he states.

Here are some ways with which you can master your appreciation game:

Characteristic appreciation:

Appreciate your partner for his/her traits and qualities that they bring to the world.

Autonomous pursuits appreciations:

Appreciate their pursuits, goals and values. For instance, you can say, “I appreciate how dedicated you are to your work.”

Feeling appreciation:

Recognize the things that your partner has been trying to do for you and appreciate them for it.

Witnessing appreciations:

Appreciate your partner for being there for the people that he/she cares about.

If you want to prevent arguments in your relationship and want to let your partner know that you value and care for them, then it is about time that you start appreciating them.

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