Worried About Your Eyesight? Include These 5 Foods In Your Diet
Worried About Your Eyesight? Include These 5 Foods In Your Diet
Red Peppers are rich in Vitamin C, which helps keep the blood veins of the eyes healthy.

So many of us these days wear glasses after being troubled by the problem of low eyesight. The main reason for this is our poor lifestyle and lack of a nutrition-rich diet. However, if we pay little attention to our diet and follow some healthy habits, we can get relief from the eyesight problem and can avoid spectacles. Today let us take a look at the food which we should include in our diet to increase our eyesight.

1. According to WebMD, Red Peppers are rich in Vitamin C and this helps a lot in keeping the blood veins of the eyes healthy. Studies say that its consumption reduces the risk of cataracts. So, if you consume bright-coloured red capsicum, then it is very good for your eyesight as it is rich in vitamins C and E which help in keeping the eyes healthy. Apart from this, you can also consume cabbage, papaya, berries etc.

2. If you consume a handful of almonds, and sunflower seeds daily, then the vitamin E present in it also helps in keeping the eyes healthy and works to increase the eyesight. With regular intake, the effect of age on the eyes can also be reduced. You can also include hazelnuts and peanuts in your diet.

3. We all know green veggies are good for our health and our eyesight. So, include kale, spinach and different types of dark leafy greens in your diet as much as possible. Vitamin C and E are also found in abundance in these. Consumption of these plants can reduce the risk of long-term eye disease and also improves eyesight. Even it prevents the problem of night blindness and cataracts.

4. The retina present in the eye needs two types of omega-3 fatty acids. DHA and EPA. Both of these are found in large quantities in salmon fish. Apart from this, it is also found in large quantities in sea fishes like tuna, and trot. Omega 3 also helps in reducing the risk of glaucoma. It reduces the problem of dry eye, which is beneficial if you consume it at least 2 days a week.

5. If you are a vegetarian, you can also improve your eyesight by including lentils and beans in your diet. They contain a lot of fibre, low fat etc. Consuming Chana Dal, Rajma, Black Eye Beans etc., the zinc present in it sharpens night vision and also slows down the effects of age.

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