This understanding of Yoga is turned on its head by Swami Sivananda — one of the greatest Yogis of the last century who was also a medical doctor — when he says, “All the Asanas are done to tone up the internal organs and tissues.”
As a doctor initially, Swami Sivananda served people in British Malaya, also wrote extensively on health problems and edited a medical journal. He renounced his medical career in his mid-thirties, desiring to give people complete knowledge of body, mind and soul. After practising severe austerities for several years, he founded the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh in 1932, and the Divine Life Society in 1936.
The practical Yogi, who had experienced the effects of Yoga, proclaimed ‘Hatha Yoga’ as the best way to reach good health. “There are many systems of physical exercises. Among all the systems, Hatha Yoga practised and prescribed by the ancient sages stands unrivalled and unique… Brain, muscles, nerves, organs, tissues are toned and energised. All chronic diseases are rooted out,” he guarantees.
Swami Sivananda felt deeply that the world needed good and healthy mothers, and strong and healthy boys and girls. He wrote over 300 books on Yoga and Vedanta, Health and Healing. These were widely acclaimed and had a profound impact all over the world.
Particular Asanas remove diseases and can also be preventative. Swami Sivananda describes them in a verse ‘The Glory of Hatha Yoga’:
Practice Sirshasana, the king of Asanas, to remove all diseases.
For all-round development, combine forward and backward bending exercises, and the spinal twist is important, too.
Sarvangasana helps develop thyroid and pelvic organs.
Matsyasana further adds to the effect of Sarvangasana on thyroid and pelvic organs.
Paschimottanasana helps digest food, and also reduce fat in the belly.
Mayurasana can digest even poison.
Ardha Matsyendrasana can make the spine elastic.
Bhujangasana, Salabhasana and Dhanurasana can remove constipation.
Shirshasana-Sarvangasana help preserve `Veerya’ (internal strength).
Savasana relaxes the muscles.
Halasana makes the spine supple and elastic.
Vajrasana will drive away drowsiness.
Pranayama removes all diseases and increases the gastric fire.
Sitali Pranayama can cool your brain and body and purify the blood.
Bhastrika Pranayama will remove asthma.
Spend 15 minutes a day and this will suffice to keep you healthy, with abundant energy, muscular strength and nerve power, a charming personality and longevity.
Swami Sivananda does not dismiss other physical exercises, but does caution that they must not be done immediately after performing Yogic exercises. This is “because all the Asanas are done to tone up the internal organs and tissues. Accordingly, the blood has to be supplied to those systems and tissues. But the physical exercise is done to tone up the muscles. So, the blood will be drawn to the muscles. The circulation of blood in this case is completely opposite, and the benefits of Yogic exercise will be nullified. After doing the Yogic exercises, take rest for a few minutes and then begin physical exercises.”
Though Hatha Yoga practices have therapeutic effects, therapy is only a part of the goal. A healthy and stable body and mind are essential prerequisites for self-realisation, which is the main goal of Hatha Yoga. Contrary to popular understanding that ‘Hatha’ means stubbornly persisting beyond one’s limits, Ha-tha in reality refers to the Yoga to balance the Sun and Moon (represented by the Pingala and Ida nadis respectively) to awaken the kundalini.
A healthy man smiles and laughs. He is cheerful and happy. He discharges his daily duties with ease and comfort. A healthy man is capable of doing work for a long time without getting fatigued. He possesses highest mental and physical efficiency.
Health is that state in which a man sleeps well, digests his food well…..his organs work in perfect harmony… the pulse rate and the rate of respiration are in perfect order, the bodily temperature is normal, the bowels move freely every day.
(Curated from ‘Hatha Yoga’ by Swami Sivananda, published by The Divine Life Society)
Please note: This article is meant to be informative, rather than a prescription. Hatha Yoga is to be practised using common sense: don’t exert in Asanas that don’t suit you. Always consult your physician for physical fitness before attempting Yoga practices.
The author is a journalist, cancer survivor and certified yoga teacher. She can be reached at [email protected].
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