High Court Questions Propriety of Sidhu Continuing With TV Show
High Court Questions Propriety of Sidhu Continuing With TV Show
The PIL, filed by advocate HC Arora in the Punjab and Haryana High Court, stated that it was a conflict of interest for Navjot Singh Sidhu to continue with a TV show even after assuming responsibility in the government.

Chandigarh: Controversy surrounding Navjot Singh Sidhu for continuing with a TV show despite being a minister in the Punjab Cabinet refuses to die down.

A Public Interest Litigation filed in the Punjab and Haryana High Court had the Court asking Punjab's Advocate General if every matter has to be taken up legally or should there also be a proprietary and moral aspect to it.

The PIL, filed by advocate HC Arora in the Punjab and Haryana High Court, stated that it was a conflict of interest for Navjot Singh Sidhu to continue with a TV show even after assuming responsibility in the government.

The court asked why Navjot Singh Sidhu was not following rules that are applicable to star MPs as well. The court also asked if indeed it was not a case of conflict of interest and misconduct if a Minister appointed to the government was also running a business alongside with being a public servant.

The court also observed that in every case legality is not the only thing taken into account but also moral grounds and propriety need to be considered.

Advocate general Atul Nanda said he cannot respond to the case on behalf of the government at this point in time following which the High Court set May 11 as the next date of hearing in the case. Advocate General Atul Nanda also said so far neither the Punjab government nor Navjot Singh Sidhu have been issued any notice by the High Court.

He also said moral correctness can be an issue but he does not think that the court can impose moral correctness on anyone. He said the PIL might not stand in court as it does not have any strong legal ground.

She said, "There are many politicians who are running businesses worth Rs 300 to 400 crore but Navjot Singh Sidhu does not even have a business that is worth 1,00,000 rupees. And if he works at night to earn some extra money then people have a problem with that too."

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