Can The Coronavirus Kill You? This Website Attempts to Give You The Good or Bad News
Can The Coronavirus Kill You? This Website Attempts to Give You The Good or Bad News
There are in total nine total parameters, which are age, preconditions, social contact, hygiene, gender, health services, climate, population infection rate and infection fatality rate. Absolutely not scientific, but quite fun.

Just in case you are looking for a sliver of good news while not exactly scared about getting really scary news in return, you must check out this website (Access here) to determine what you chances are of dying in this Coronavirus pandemic that has swept across more than 110 countries and remains highly infectious. Let us just state this from the outset these are calculations based on variables, assumptions and the underlying calculator that is working all this out. It is not a scientific method of calculation and neither does it mean guarantees either way. Nevertheless, it is incredible fun changing the variables and watching your odds become better. Or worse.

There are in total nine total parameters, which are age, preconditions, social contact, hygiene, gender, health services, climate, population infection rate and infection fatality rate. For gender and climate, you get binary choices—male or female and cold or warm. For the rest, you can select your answers using a slider. For instance, for the medical preconditions option, you can choose between None, Minor and Major. Social Contact gets more choices along the slider—None, Small, Average, Large and Huge. Hygiene gets Good, Average or Poor. Each of these categories have an explanation of how it works and how it may have a bearing on the final score. For instance, for Gender, you get this—"Males seem to be the slighter weaker sex on this one. There's been various proposals as to why, such as men smoking more, or having a different immune system, but the evidence is currently inconclusive.”

However, a couple of these categories could do with a bit more explanation. These include population infection rate and infection fatality rate. As a user, you may be a bit perplexed to choose something here, even though there is an explanation there. Similarly, for the preconditions, should someone with a blood pressure issue for example, select Minor or Major as an option? But this writer is just relieved with the 1 in 367,431 odds of Coronavirus killing him. For the time being.

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