Google's experimental Dart language seeks to speed up Android apps
Google's experimental Dart language seeks to speed up Android apps
The new language, dubbed Sky, is an open source experiment to change the traditional way of app development for the Google operating system.

New Delhi: For 20 years, Google's non-game Android apps have been written in Java and now Google aims to change that with a new language that will focus on speed and responsiveness.

The new language, as part of the Dart on Android project, dubbed Sky, is an open source experiment to change the traditional way of app development for the Google operating system.

A report on Ars Technica notes that the language focuses on being fast and responsive and the Dart team wants to develop apps that offer up to 12FPS, which, however, isn't possible to display on the present-day standard 60Hz smartphone screens.

The Dart team, which introduced the project at the Dart Developer Summit, says Sky is "Jank-free by design" with APIs that don't block the main UI thread, meaning that even if the app slows down, the UI will still be fast and responsive.

Other than creating speedy Android apps sans Java, Google's in-house Web development language will also focus on deep integration with the Web. Sky's demo app works a little like websites and majority of the app is served over HTTP, allowing for continuous development where everyone always runs the newest version and everything is Internet aware.

The Sky Framework makes it easy for developers to add action bars, touch effects, navigation panels and other details as one would expect in an Android app.

Although still in its experimental stage, Sky could possibly change the way Android development is done in future.

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