WhatsApp Voice Note Transcripts Now Available On Android: Here’s How It Works
WhatsApp Voice Note Transcripts Now Available On Android: Here’s How It Works
WhatsApp voice notes are used widely but now the messaging app lets you transcribe these audio files within your chat screen itself.

WhatsApp voice notes are popular among people who don’t like to type a lot. You can record the message and send it to your contacts with a tap. And now, WhatsApp is giving you the power to read the voice notes in text form as well.

The transcribe feature is essentially a convenient way of getting a text note for the audio chat word-by-word. These are primarily useful when you record conversations and don’t want to spend hours writing them down.

We have been talking about the feature and its expected release date for a while, but the transcribe option is finally available for Android users and we got a closer look at the feature recently.

WhatsApp Voice Note Transcribe In Hindi And More Languages: Here’s How

The feature is available within the chats and you can enable it from the Settings of WhatsApp. The option to transcribe can be enabled manually and once you do that, you will start seeing the prompt below a voice note, asking whether you want WhatsApp to transcribe the file for you. You can click on the active button and then WhatsApp will download the text file and give you the results from the process below the voice note file itself.

– You get a voice note

– WhatsApp will show you the option to transcribe it

– Click on download

– Transcription of the voice note is around 90MB on an average in size

– The text of the voice note will reflect below the voice file

WhatsApp transcribe for voice note works only on the phone, so you won’t see the result on the web version. The feature is available in 5 different languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian and Hindi. You can disable the transcribe option from settings by going to:

SettingsChatsVoice message transcripts toggle bar

WhatsApp assures that all your personal voice messages remain end-to-end encrypted. No one outside of this chat, not even WhatsApp, can listen to them. You cannot share the text file with anyone which is a positive about its privacy.

Does It Do The Job?

During our experience, the voice note transcribe feature does 95 percent of the job well but some words that you end up mispronouncing reflect incorrectly in the text as well. For instance, if you muffle any word, the WhatsApp tech will read it in its own way. Having said that 95 percent is not a bad start and we are hopeful that the platform can fix the rest of the 5 percent in the near future.

The interesting thing we noticed about the feature is that the voice note transcription works both ways, which means any voice note you send can also be transcribed in the chat.

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