Is It Duplicate? iPhone 15 Charger Melts, Burns Woman's Finger In Shocking Video
Is It Duplicate? iPhone 15 Charger Melts, Burns Woman's Finger In Shocking Video
The iPhone 15 user claimed that the charger caught fire while she had put her phone for charging at night.

Most people trust Apple for its product reliability and high quality. However, now a video is going viral in which a woman claims that her iPhone 15 charger caught fire while it was put on charging at night. The incriminating video shows the charger smouldering. The woman, named Jasmine Ahluwalia, says that the burning hot charger burned her hand. She was sleeping when she noticed that burning stink coming from her surroundings and luckily spotted the charger. The charger could have triggered a big fire if it was left undetected. This clip has so far gathered over 1.2 lakh views since it was posted on February 17.

While sharing this clip on Instagram Ahluwalia wrote, “What is this behaviour Apple I was using my iPhone while on charge and suddenly the wire cable started burning. Till the time I could realise the damage had been done. Please don’t put your phone on charge while sleeping as it could lead to a much more dangerous scenario. Apple should have a quality check again before selling more of their new Phones."

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Commenting on it, an Instagram user wrote, “If someone is purchasing I phone 15.. that person will never take risk just to save 1500 rs… The charger and the wire both are original…. You should seek to nearest apple store and ask them for a replacement cable and should as them to check the phone as well."

Many people doubted Ahluwalia’s complaint against Apple and speculated that she might be using an a fake charger, which malfunctioned. Making this accusation, an X user wrote, “Cable local, adapter redmi…missing iPhone 15, stop misleading for views." Another person wrote, “You need to use the original adapter too, original cable will be affected otherwise."

However, many people attested to similar experiences with iPhone chargers. An Instagram user wrote, “Same happened to me with my Iphone 11’s charger, after i bought a new cable from apple store only!" Another person wrote, “Ohh same thing happened with me i got really confused my phone is original or fake."

This is not the first time that an iPhone charger has caused a fire. Earlier in January, a family in Ohio was saved from a fire accident when their security cameras captured their iPhones bursting into flames when everyone was asleep. Luckily the fire was contained within a small area.

Jennifer Leisgang told FOX TV Stations that the iPhone 4 was charging with an original Apple charger. She was shocked to see the damage in the morning. She said, “There was black soot all over the countertop and on the chairs and the floor." She added, “I realized how lucky we were that we didn’t have anything on the countertop and that the fire just went out on its own."

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