Man Claims To Find Nuclear Testing Site Near ‘Area 51’ Using Google Earth
Man Claims To Find Nuclear Testing Site Near ‘Area 51’ Using Google Earth
The area where the claim is made, Area 51, has long been associated with conspiracy theories and speculations.

Conspiracy theorists keep debating about whether aliens exist or not, or whether they have any secret hideouts in the world. Many people keep searching for Google Earth and other apps or websites to find such hideouts. Recently, a post has gone viral on social media, in which a person has claimed that he has obtained evidence of nuclear explosion testing at a place that is marred with controversy. After this, many users also shared their claims.The area where the claim is made, Area 51, has long been associated with conspiracy theories and speculations. From aliens to government cover-ups, the mystery surrounding the ultra-secure Nevada desert location has given birth to a legion of internet sleuths, desperate to get to the bottom of what goes on there. Area 51 has also inspired many Hollywood science fiction films.

In a viral post uploaded to Reddit earlier this week, a user believed he had made a breakthrough and shared a photo of a “1/4 mile crater” from Google Earth with the caption, “I think I found a ‘nuclear city’ near Area 51.” Within hours, the post had garnered 29,000 upvotes and hundreds of comments. Some said that such craters were common near Area 51 in the Nevada desert, while others said it was not a crater created by nuclear testing but a UFO crash site.

I think I found a “nuke town” near Area 51 byu/Rip-kid ininterestingasfuck

The US Atomic Heritage Foundation reports that by 1992, the US government had conducted more than 1,000 nuclear tests, with around 100 of these being atmospheric and the rest underground. The government has consistently claimed that Area 51 is exclusively a military aircraft and technology testing and training facility. Access to Area 51 is extremely restricted, with strict security measures in place around the perimeter and restricted airspace above. The secretive nature of the place, and the highly classified and restricted access have led to various conspiracy theorists having their imagination flow wild.

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