In a strange incident, a man was asked to deboard from an American Airlines flight after he sparred with fellow passengers and farted deliberately. As per a Reddit post made on the r/Austin subreddit, an American Airlines passenger shared how a man was removed from his flight from Phoenix to Austin for an unlikely reason. The Reddit user shared that he noticed a man who was “audibly disgruntled about something, maybe hungover” got into a spat with his fellow passengers soon after taking his seat. The man also deliberately farted on the plane and even announced it. The Reddit user explained, “I overheard him loudly say ‘You thought that was rude? Well how about this smell’ and farted. Idk what provoked that comment, and while kinda funny to overhear, it was uncalled for especially coming from a grown man on an airplane nonetheless.”
Person removed from flight Phoenix to Austin, kinda funny storybyu/Glamgalatx inAustin
Later when people began eating food, the man began complaining and loudly said, “Yeah, everybody let’s just eat the smelliest food possible all at the same time.” This prompted other flyers to argue with him. At one point, the man called the flight “low class”. Before the argument between the passengers could escalate, the flight attendant stepped in.
Before the flight could take off, the plane was moved to the boarding gate again and the flight attendant asked the man to get off the flight. The Reddit user recalled, “We get back to the gate and a flight attendant comes back and informs fartman that he will not be staying on this flight. He simply replied, ‘I don’t understand’ and she tells him they’ll talk about it off the plane. He gets up, grabs his bag and quietly exits the plane. We all breathed a sigh of relief when he was removed, I think most people were on edge about what he may say or do next.”
This post gathered over 1,200 upvotes since it was shared on January 17. Commenting on this post, a person who claimed to be on the same flight wrote, “I was on that same flight Sunday eve and can attest that it was a stinky flight! I didn’t know what started the ordeal but there were a lot of smells competing in there. It was surprising that he left peacefully, but it was quite the walk of shame. I could hear him mumble ‘I just don’t understand.’ Thanks for the inside scoop!”
Another person wrote, “I have no problems at all with the zero tolerance policy airlines seem to have adapted lately. It is not hard to avoid getting thrown off a plane, and I have yet to see (or even hear about) someone getting deplaned without unjustifiable rudeness to their fellow passengers.”
One of the users noted, “I’d say they could even be a bit stricter about it, if I’m honest. People have gotten way too comfortable with being unnecessarily rude to others and I’m glad there is at least one setting where that seems to have consequences.”
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