Soon After Receiving Humanitarian Aid, Taliban Urges India To Reopen Its Embassies
Soon After Receiving Humanitarian Aid, Taliban Urges India To Reopen Its Embassies
India's attempts to help Afghanistan steer itself out of the humanitarian crisis may have been noticed by the Taliban who sense Pakistan's insincerity

Taliban officials have informed India that they are ready to provide security if New Delhi reopens its embassy in Afghanistan’s Kabul, news agency Times Of India reported. The Taliban’s UN ambassador-designate Suhail Shaheen while speaking to the news agency said that the terrorist group feels that diplomatic presence is needed to boost bilateral relations.

India has not recognised the Taliban government in Kabul which was set up in August 2021 after the US troops left the nation after two decades of war and oversaw the fall of a democratically-elected government.

India is concerned regarding Taliban’s commitment to basic human rights, right to education for all especially women, diversity in the government and protection of minorities.

Taliban’s inclination towards working with India may have increased after it sent 50,000 metric tonnes of wheat and humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan.

People familiar with CNNNews18 earlier said that the Taliban government was taken aback after finding that the quality of humanitarian aid sent by the Indian government was far superior than that sent by Pakistan. Pakistan claims to be a well-wisher of Afghanistan’s current ruling disposition and has unofficially appointed itself as its advocate in several international forums since the beginning of the Taliban regime post-August 2021, some Taliban officials were stunned at India’s dedication to improve humanitarian conditions in Afghanistan.

Taliban officials voiced their anger to Pakistan officials complaining about the kind of wheat given to Afghanistan to battle its food scarcity. Taliban officials, according to people mentioned above, said that the last resort was to throw away the ‘substandard’ wheat Pakistan gave Afghanistan as it battles a food crisis.

The Taliban leaders rather pointed towards India and said the quality of wheat and other humanitarian aid is far superior compared to what Pakistan offered. It also expressed its disappointment towards Pakistan for stopping the humanitarian aid from flowing into the country by stopping shipments at the Attari-Wagah border.

People mentioned above said that Taliban leaders said that some of the Pakistani wheat sent to Afghanistan were even rotten.

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