US Election Result: Trump Campaign Says 'This Election is Not Over' as Biden Inches Closer to Presidency
US Election Result: Trump Campaign Says 'This Election is Not Over' as Biden Inches Closer to Presidency
Biden pulled ahead of Trump in the potentially decisive state of Pennsylvania, putting him on the brink of victory in an increasingly tense White House race.

US Donald Trump’s campaign said Friday that “this election is not over” as his challenger Joe Biden edged closer to victory in the cliffhanger White House race.

The statement came after Biden overcame the president’s lead in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania, putting him in position to win its 20 electoral votes. A win in Pennsylvania would give Biden the presidency, as he currently holds at least 253 of the 270 electoral votes needed.

“This election is not over,” a statement from campaign general counsel Matt Morgan said while making further allegations of irregularities. “The false projection of Joe Biden as the winner is based on results in four states that are far from final.”

With tens of thousands of votes remaining to be counted in Pennsylvania, many of them from heavily Democratic areas, Biden opened up a 5,500-vote lead over the Republican incumbent, real-time state election results showed.

Biden currently has at least 253 electoral votes and is leading in three other states — Arizona, Georgia and Nevada — where votes from Tuesday’s bitterly contested election continue to be counted.

With his reelection hopes fading, Trump is making it clear, however, that he is not ready to accept defeat, launching unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud and claiming that he won.

“This election is not over,” his campaign said, after news of Biden’s lead in Pennsylvania broke.

In an extraordinary appearance at the White House on Thursday, Trump himself claimed that he had been cheated out of reelection.

“They are trying to steal the election,” Trump said.

With a Biden victory looking increasingly likely, the US Secret Service increased its protective bubble around the former vice president, The Washington Post reported Friday.

The Secret Service sent an extra squad of agents to Biden’s campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Delaware, the newspaper said.

The Secret Service, an agency under the Department of Homeland Security, is charge or protecting the White House and senior government officials, visiting high officials, and others.

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