How old is too old to drive?
How old is too old to drive?
Two thirds of Americans surveyed in a poll said 65 is the age when drivers should have to retake their road test.

New York: How old is too old to drive? Two thirds of Americans surveyed in a Marist Poll said 65 is the age when drivers should have to retake their road test.

Younger Americans are more in favor of the requirement, 84 percent below the age of 30 and 76 percent aged 30 to 44, while 62 percent of those aged between 45 and 59 agree,

And almost half of people aged above 60 also think it is a good idea, according to the poll.

Older drivers raise concern because some physical, mental and visual abilities may decline as people age and many older drivers may also be taking medications that can impair driving, experts say.

Two states, Illinois and New Hampshire, require older drivers to retake their road test, but only when they reach the age of 75, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety.

Using data reported to the Federal Highway Administration, the institute said that there were about 21.6 million licensed drivers aged over 70 in 2008, accounting for around 10 percent of all U.S. drivers.

The Marist Poll telephone survey of 1,018 adults was conducted between Jan. 6 and January 10.

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