How to Avoid Being Shot
How to Avoid Being Shot
Escaping a shootout requires one to be alert and to think quickly. The fear of getting shot can cause one to either feel numb or to panic. But once caught in the situation, there is no going back. It can be nearly impossible to dodge a bullet if the shooter is trained. However, with your quick thinking, you can attempt to save your life and if possible, of those around. Read on to find out how.

When You Are Not the Direct Target

Leave the area if you can. If you are in a situation where other people are shooting each other or someone is shooting at people that aren't you, your main goal should be to get as far away as possible. If you see that you can reasonably get away, do that as soon as you hear shots. If you don't know where the shots are coming from but you know there is a secure room very near by, go there.

Find cover. If you do not see a way to leave, then you will want to find cover. Get behind something that can stop bullets, preferably, like a very solid object. Thin walls or a door is not enough, though it can keep a shooter from realizing you're there. Cars are not bulletproof even though an engine block or some police car doors will stop bullets, even small calibers can penetrate a pair of doors or a trunk. Stay behind the cover, and if it is large enough get on the ground. Lying on the ground significantly reduces the likelihood of you getting shot.

Leave your belongings. Do not stop to gather your belongings before fleeing an area. This can significantly impact the amount of time you have to get away and make a big difference in your ability to get away before the shooter realizes you're there. Just go. You're more important than your wallet.

Stay quiet. While taking cover or fleeing, be as quiet as possible. Breathe slowly and avoid crying. Alerting the shooter to your presence can put you in danger. Don't talk with people nearby or make phone calls. If you can, turn a phone on silent. Text if you want to get someone's help or attention.

Don't move. Once you are in cover, stay in cover. Do not move from one cover to another unless you absolutely have to. Staying put will also reduce the amount of noise you make and draw less attention to your presence.

Barricade yourself. If you can take cover in a single, secure room, be sure to barricade the entrances. Lock doors, move heavy pieces of furniture to block the doors, cover windows if you can, and turn off lights and anything which makes sounds. Stay quiet and move as little as possible.

Wait for help to arrive. Once you are in a relatively safe place, either barricaded or at least under cover, simply wait for help. This is the only thing you can do. Most shootings last less than three minutes, so while it may seem to last forever, you are unlikely to have to wait for help for very long.

When You Are the Direct Target

Assess the situation. If someone is trying to shoot you specifically, you will first want to evaluate the situation. If you are being mugged, comply with everything the person is asking, following many of the instructions in the first section. If you are in a fight, your options are more limited.

Escape if you can. If you are being pursued, do what you can to get away. If you have been caught but see an opportunity to escape or distract the attacker, do that but only if your chances of getting away are fairly good. Turning your back on an attacker makes you easier to hit. If you are a fast runner or have bad knees, run in a straight line away from the attacker towards cover. The faster you can get away, the fewer shots they will be able to fire. If you are a slower runner and do not have knee trouble, a zig-zag run may be a better option. You may still be hit in this case, but the chances of being hit in a vital area may be reduced. If you can, create visual distractions for the attacker, such as spraying a fire extinguisher.

Take cover if you can. You may not be able to buy yourself enough time to get away completely, but getting yourself to cover can at least be helpful. Also, if you see that they are about to shoot, dive for cover if you can.

Try to find a weapon or distraction. During your confrontation, look for an object that can be used as a weapon. Heavy objects, especially ones with sharp corners, make good weapons, but if you have access to something a bit more potent, that is best.

Talk to the shooter. If you have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide and no other options, your best bet will be to talk to the shooter. Do not beg for your life or try to get him to feel sorry for you. Instead, sympathize with him and try to ask him what he wants. Offer to help him and ask him why he's doing what he's doing. This could buy you time until help arrives.

Get out of the way if they appear to be preparing to shoot. If they appear to want to shoot anyway, the best you can do is try to get out of the way. Moving at least increases the chances that you will be hit in a less important area, since it is very difficult to shoot accurately while moving.

In Police Confrontations

Remove sunglasses or hats if you have not been seen. If you are stopped by police while you're in your car or otherwise have time before they get too close to you (such as before you go into an area known to be frequented by cops), take a second to remove your hat and sunglasses if you are wearing them. If the police are able to see your eyes, they will be much less nervous. However, if the police are already looking at you or next to you, this is inadvisable as the movement will make them nervous. Again, you should only do this if you have not been seen. If you do this and the cop sees you, they may think you are going for a gun.

Make your hands very visible. Whether you're in a car or on the street, you need to make your hands very visible to the officer. If you're in a car, put them up on the windowsill. If you're on the street, hold them slightly up and out from your body. This will also reduce the officer's tension.

Move as little as possible. Do not reach for anything or move around any more than you absolutely have to. Certainly do not make any sudden movements, as this can be taken as a sign of reaching for a weapon.

Be very calm. Do not try to argue with the officer and don't let yourself be visibly angry. Even if you feel your rights are being violated, which they very well could be, don't take that up with them. Lawyer up when the confrontation is over and sue them, but absolutely do not get into a fight with them there.

Talk slowly and don't shout. Speak with officers slowly, calmly, and with an even tone (don't yell at them). This will help show that you are not hostile and will help keep them from panicking. Yes, the burden should be on them to keep their cool, but thinking about what you should've done isn't going to keep you from getting shot.

Do whatever you are asked. If they tell you to stop, stop. If they tell you to get out of the car, get out of the car. If they tell you to put your hands on the wall, put your hands on the wall. Like we said, the time for standing up for your rights is later, not now. All it takes is one overly stressed cop and you're dead.

Tell the officer what you are doing. Every time you do need to move, tell the officer what you're doing. Let them know why you're moving, where you're moving to, and make those movements slowly. Say these things to them calmly. This will, again, keep them from thinking you are reaching for a weapon.

Avoiding the Situation

Stay in safe parts of town. Avoid areas that are high in crime and gun violence. Sometimes these areas are unavoidable, but stay inside as much as you can if you need to be in these areas.

Travel quickly through unsafe areas. If you must go outside in areas that are unsafe, go through those areas quickly, rather than hanging out on the street with friends or on your own. Avoid walking to places that you need to go to and instead take the bus or a car (a friend's car or your own).

Avoid going out at night. Crime rates go up at night, so avoid unsafe and even relatively safe areas once it gets dark. Really, nothing good ever happens at 2am. Just get inside and spend your evening safely.

Dress to avoid attention. Certain types of clothing will attract the notice of cops and suspicious neighbors. While you should be able to wear whatever you want, this doesn't do anything to change the reality. You'll also want to avoid wearing gang colors if you know you'll be going through gang territory. Dressing gangsta and wearing red in certain parts of LA, for example: not very smart.

Avoid drugs, gangs, and crime. Don't get in to drugs, don't get involved with gangs, and don't start a life of crime. In fact, don't even go anywhere near gangs if it can be helped, it's a myth that you need to murder a random person to become part of a gang, but that doesn't mean that it is a good idea to join one. Putting yourself in these dangerous situations will significantly increase the chances of you getting shot at.

Don't start trouble. A wise man once said, "Don't start none, ain't gonna be none". This means if you don't start trouble, you'll go a long way towards avoiding trouble. Stealing some guys stereo or sleeping with his girlfriend is just not a smart move. Avoid crazy dudes by just avoiding trouble.

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