How to Bend and Snap: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
How to Bend and Snap: A Step-by-Step Tutorial
The bend and snap is an age-old move where you seductively bend down and pop back up to capture your crush’s attention, as demonstrated by Elle Woods in Legally Blonde. This 2001 film was an instant hit and came with more than a few life lessons (one of the most important being the iconic bend and snap). So, if you’re hoping to attract your next bae, keep reading because we’ve got all there is to know about Elle Woods’s bend and snap!
Things You Should Know
  • First, drop an item (such as a pen or car keys) a little further away from your feet, ideally between you and your crush.
  • Next, place one foot in front of another and hinge at the waist. Graze your furthest leg with your hand as you reach for the drop object.
  • Finally, grab the object and quickly stand up with a pop, placing your hands on either side of your chest.

Learning the Move

Drop an item on the ground. This item can be anything at all—a pen, a piece of paper, your keys, etc. The only qualifiers are that the item needs to be something you can easily pick up that’s small enough to hold in one hand. Ultimately, the best thing to drop is something that’s already in your hand. This way, it’ll seem accidental despite your flirtatious intentions. Don’t drop anything fragile or expensive; there’s no guarantee it won’t break or shatter.

Bend over to retrieve the item. Place one foot in front of the other. Hinge forward at the waist, sticking out your bottom while simultaneously sliding a hand down the leg furthest from you as you reach for the object. This movement draws attention to the length of your legs, showing off your physique. Push your chest out as far as possible during the bend. If there’s writing on your shirt, someone looking at you should be able to read the words, even as you’re bent over. Be aware of what you’re wearing before you bend and snap. For instance, a flowy, low-cut blouse may reveal too much right away.

Pick up the item you dropped. Take your time while doing this, letting your hand graze down your leg. The whole point of the maneuver is to keep your crush’s attention on you, so feel free to draw out the motion for as long as you’d like.

Snap upwards once the item is in your hand. Grab the item and stand back up quickly, keeping your back straight and core tight. Hold your hands on either side of your chest, pushing your breasts together. Arch your back to stick your chest out toward your crush. A woman sticking her chest out is considered a non-verbal invitation of intimacy or flirting. Make sure you’re bending and snapping for someone you’re interested in; otherwise, you may give someone else the wrong idea.

Smile to reel in your crush’s attention. Stick the landing of your bend and snap by making eye contact with your crush and giving them a genuine smile. This lets them know that you did all of that just for them—they should totally talk to you!

Perfecting the Bend & Snap

Practice bending and snapping at home. Before you share your bend and snap with the world, do a couple of test runs at home in front of the mirror. This can help boost your confidence and ensure the motion is perfect before you try it in public. If you’re still struggling, watch the bend and snap scene from Legally Blonde. Watching Elle Woods take you through the motions a few times may help you finesse your bend and snap.

Engage in conversation with your crush. When you’re ready to perform the move for real, find your crush and start chatting. Talk about the weather, their day, or something on TV. What you talk about doesn’t necessarily matter as long as they’re paying attention to you. Try asking them a question to open the conversation, like “How have you been?” or “Do you recommend the pizza?” Stand somewhat close to your crush as you talk. This way, they’ll be front and center for the show when you bend and snap. Alternatively, skip this step and grab their attention with the bend and snap first. Then, strike up a conversation once you’ve caught their eye.

Sell it with confidence. Confidence is key when flirting—if you believe in yourself, it’ll show! So, know your worth. You’re hot stuff, and your bend and snap is one killer crush magnet. Go into the move with a flirtatious smile and bold and confident attitude because your crush would be lucky to have you. For example, when you snap back up, flip your hair over your shoulder and give your crush a wink. This is an excellent way to say, “Hey, you’re cute.”

Make eye contact with your crush, and keep talking. Don’t just finish the move and walk away. It doesn’t matter how good your bend and snap is if you can’t carry on a good conversation! Let the bend and snap help you attract your crush's attention, and once you have it, make the most of it. Alternatively, walk away from your crush after you bend and snap with a swish of your hips. If their gaze follows you, they’re totally interested and may even chase after you to grab your number.

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