Add stickers to the body.
Stickers are an easy and affordable way to customize your guitar. Pick out some memorable, unique stickers and plan out the design you’d like to see on your instrument. Just know that adding too many heavy stickers could alter the sound of your instrument. Stick to one or two of your favorites to avoid accidental changes. Try sticking on some lettering. Does your instrument have a name? That’d be perfect! Or, try using a sticker from your hometown. This will give your guitar a sentimental appeal. Have a sticker idea in mind but you can't find it anywhere? Learn how to make your own.
Customize its neck with fretboard inlay stickers.
By adding stickers to your fret inlay, you can create a fresh, edgy look. After choosing your stickers, you’ll need to either remove the strings from your guitar or loosen them enough to expose your fret inlay, allowing you room to place your stickers. Fret inlay stickers are also super easy to replace, so you can try out different styles without having to commit. Decorate with a line of birds that look like they're flying up your fret. Place a line of colorful gears down your fret for a cool, eccentric look.
Draw on your guitar’s body.
Using pens, you can give your guitar the ultimate personal touch. This option is low budget and as customizable as it gets. Use stencils, hire a professional to do a drawing for you, or go for a freeform approach. For a design done at home, Sharpies will work well! Give your instrument a quirky, sentimental vibe by letting friends and family sign its body. Hire a professional to draw an image that’s meaningful to you, like an image of your pet.
Give your guitar a fresh paint job.
A new color completely alters the look of your guitar. For this process, you'll need to remove the strings, apply a couple coats of paint, and eventually sand down the instrument. It's a bit of a longer process, but totally worth it for a refreshed lavender, hot pink, or jet black guitar. Go for a lacquer paint for best results. Painting can affect your guitar's sound, so read up on your instrument before trying out this customization. Paint an underwater scene on your guitar's body. Go for a complex, colorful pattern. After covering all of your hardware, you could even create a splatter-paint design.
Install a new pickguard.
New pickguards are a reversible way to refresh your guitar's look. You can stick on new colors for a fresh accent, new shapes, or even one with a funky design. On acoustic guitars, removing an old pickguard can definitely be done—but may be a bit risky if you're not careful. Don't use force if there's significant tension when you pull. Applying a heat source (like a hairdryer) can help, but avoiding damage to the body should be your first priority. Try out an intense, red pickguard on your black guitar. Place a leopard print pickguard on your white guitar.
Add colorful strings.
Choosing an exciting set of strings can revamp your guitar’s look. Typically, your guitar's set will come in muted or metallic shades. But by simply removing your old strings and reinstalling a new set, you can pluck pink, neon, bright blue, and even rainbow-colored guitar strings. Next time you have to change out your old set, throw on a new color for an exciting look!
Add custom tuning pegs.
Altering your tuning pegs' colors can give your guitar a fresh style. The removal process is really simple, just requiring a screwdriver and five minutes. Make sure that whatever set you go with, it definitely fits your guitar; for the most part, tuning pegs will fit across the board, but some specialty instruments may need unique sizing. Add gold accents to a white guitar for a retro look. Try heart-shaped tuning pegs. Consider multi-color pegs with a black guitar. Even though the installation process is easy, this is still an integral part of your instrument. This isn't an area to try and save money. Go for a high-quality pick!
Pick a unique truss rod cover.
A funky truss rod cover is a simple, affordable way to customize. The installment process is super easy, so this is a quick and effective way to spice up the neck of your instrument. Just make sure that whatever design you go with, the truss rod definitely fits your instrument. Purchase a custom truss rod cover with a word that's meaningful to you. Go for a rustic, wooden truss rod cover with a rose design. Try out a sleek, metallic truss rod cover with a cool design, like a swimming shark.
Swap in new bridge pins.
New bridge pins can serve as a unique accent on your guitar's body. They'll likely come in white or black on your guitar. But, if you look online, there are actually tons of textures and colors to choose from. Once you find a set that fits your guitar's bridge holes, you can insert your new pins. Try mixing up textures for a unique look, like blue, metallic pins with a wooden guitar. Or, go with bone bridge pins with your white guitar for a monochromatic look. You can even get pins in specific shapes, like little gray skulls.
Woodburn your instrument.
Your acoustic guitar can undergo a total makeover with woodburning. Because this option is totally customizable, if you can dream it, your guitar can have it. This option definitely requires a strong knowledge of the woodburning craft. However, you can hire a professional if you like the look but lack the skills. Go for a relaxing image, like two koi fish swimming around your guitar's sound hole. Woodburn an intricate flower design. You could even go for an intense coiling snake on your guitar's body.
Buy a new strap.
A new guitar strap can transform your instrument's appearance. Local music stores and online stores are usually the best place to find your new favorite strap, which will usually run between $20-80. You can personalize your guitar with a favorite color, a cool pattern, or even a customized strap. Whether you’re working with an electric or an acoustic guitar, to fasten the strap, you’ll need to attach at least one end of your new strap to one of your guitar’s strap pins. pins.
Give your case a cool look.
Your case is an eye-catching, customizable part of your guitar’s overall look. Though, it’s definitely one of the more expensive options available. There are also tons of ways to spice up the case you already have, like with stickers, painting, Sharpies, and embroidery. Cover your case with stickers from all of the places your guitar has been. Use Sharpies and a stencil to write your favorite quote on the case’s body: “If music be the food of love, play on…” Or, if you have a canvas case, try embroidering or ironing on an exciting patch.
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