Give him some breathing room.
Tauruses are cautious signs and need time on their own to process. If you notice that he goes silent or even asks you for less contact, he’s not trying to make you feel bad. Rather, he’s taking time to work out how he feels what he wants to do next. Respect his wishes and give him two or three weeks to be alone. If he hasn’t contacted you by then, it’s safe for you to gently initiate contact again. When you do reach out to re-establish communication with him, keep your message thoughtful and low-pressure. Try a quick “How are you doing?” text to start and wait for him to reply before sending anything else.
Be honest with him.
Taurus men are straightforward and prefer to speak plainly. If you miss him and want him back, then tell him so. Taurus men are more sensitive than they care to admit and careful about restarting old relationships, so he’ll need concrete proof that you want him back before he makes any moves. If he’s left to wonder how you feel, he probably won’t know what to do about the relationship. To get his attention and tell him that you miss him, you could say, “Hey, I’ve been thinking about you a lot. Can we talk soon?” When you tell him that you want him back, you could say, “I’ve given it a lot of thought and I’d love to give our relationship another shot. What do you think?” Being honest will also help him when you talk about your past relationship and what may have gone wrong, which you'll have to do before the two of you get back together. If you can talk openly about both the good and the bad, the two of you can work out your problems more easily.
Keep your communication positive.
Tauruses are proud and may react poorly to criticism. When you discuss your relationship with a Taurus man, use “I” statements to communicate your feelings and work through any problems that you would like to fix. Your Taurus wants to be the best partner he can, as he is extremely kind and loving—but he will get upset if too much blame is placed on his shoulders. An “I” statement uses “I” at the beginning of a sentence instead of “you,” allowing you to focus on your feelings and not what you think the other person has done or failed to do. For example, “You never tell me how you’re feeling!” should become “I would love to know how you’re feeling right now.”
Apologize if you made a mistake.
Taurus men hold grudges, so they need sincere apologies to forgive. You may not have been the reason for the breakup, but if you did make a mistake, then you’ll need to offer him an apology before the two of you get back together. More than that, acknowledge his feelings and show him you understand why he’s upset; a Taurus man will only come back if you can admit your mistakes too. For example, if you said something hurtful, a good apology would be: “I wasn’t thinking when I said that, and I wish I had been more thoughtful. I know I hurt your feelings, and I’m sorry.” Taurus men are stubborn, but they always strive to make peace with the people around them. If he can see your sincerity, he’ll likely accept your apology. A Taurus man will also admire your bravery in admitting that you make a mistake. He’s willing to compromise and make amends, but only with someone who will meet him halfway. Taurus men don’t always forgive right away, but that doesn’t mean your apology will go unnoticed. Give him time to think things over after you apologize, and he’ll likely come around in the end!
Remind him of the good times.
Tauruses tend to romanticize past relationships. Bring up fond memories so that he longs to be with you again. When you visit a former favorite date spot, snap a picture and post it on social media—or text him the photo directly with a short message. Ask him little “remember when…?” prompts when the two of you hang out and make him nostalgic for the fun moments you shared. You could send him a picture of the movie theater where you had your first date, and write “I visited today and couldn’t help but think of you!” You could say, “Remember when we visited that Italian place with the most incredible ravioli? We should go again sometime.”
Appeal to his senses.
Taurus men are quite sensual, so catch his eye (and his other senses). For example, they have a keen sense of style and love a partner who puts effort into their appearance. Stylish clothes that flatter your body and a great haircut will make you a sight for sore eyes. Taurus men also find earthy tones like green, blue, and beige visually pleasing. You could also wear perfume or cologne that he enjoys. Wear a particular scent often, and he’ll think of you every time he smells it. Appeal to his taste buds by treating him to a fancy dinner or cooking his favorite meal yourself. Once you’re both comfortable with it, use touch to draw him in too. Touch his hand when you’re talking, or hug him in greeting.
Be a loyal friend.
Taurus men are incredibly devoted and look for loyalty in their partners. Steer clear of dating around after the breakup and focus on trying to win your Taurus man back through friendship and affection. Prove your trustworthiness by following through on your promises, even for something as simple as meeting up for coffee at a certain time. Given enough time, he'll recognize your trustworthiness once again. A Taurus man’s sense of loyalty is the reason trying to make him jealous can sometimes backfire. While Taurus men get jealous, that jealousy makes it hard to trust their partner.
Focus on self-improvement in your life.
Taurus men are exceptionally stable and reliable. They like it when their partners can be the same. Show your Taurus man that you’re strong and capable on your own, and that you can be there for him when he needs you. He’ll feel better about re-entering a relationship if he can see that you’re working hard to be the best version of yourself. For instance, Taurus men pride themselves on working hard to make and save money. If he felt you were a little careless with yours, you could start making up monthly budgets to show him how responsible you are. Working on your physical and mental health will also help you become a more stable person. Eat well, stay active, and prioritize making social connections with friends and family. Make him see that while you don’t need him, you do love him and want to be with him!
Give him compliments.
Tauruses love compliments, especially about their taste and work ethic. Compliment him in person when you can, or send him a text message after the two of you have met up. Make your compliment specific to show your Taurus man that you know and appreciate his worth. He’ll appreciate any genuine compliment—and Taurus men are great at sensing whether someone is being honest. For example, you could say, “It was great seeing you tonight. Your taste in clothes is always on-point; that shirt you were wearing brought out the green in your eyes!” Another compliment could be, “Thanks for meeting up with me. You’ve always been the most reliable person I know, and I appreciate it!”
Make compromises and accept him as he is.
A Taurus man is stubborn and doesn’t want to change who he is. Show him that you will work to understand his needs and compromise if you resume your relationship. For example, you might have different social styles. If he needs lots of time alone and you do not, you could talk to him and decide how best to divide your time. Make sure he will have enough independence, and you will have enough quality time. Compromising with him in this way is far more effective than demanding that he change, or giving him a list of requests to work on by himself. He will feel more comfortable restarting a relationship with someone he knows will accept him completely. Taurus men make devoted partners and are happy to compromise for the right person!
Let him set the pace.
Taurus men like to take their time in matters of the heart. Be patient with him as you reconcile. It's important to show him that you want him back, but you won’t pressure him. Taurus men are generally slow to enter a relationship and slow to break things off unless something is especially bothering them. Naturally, he won’t be ready to jump back into a relationship right away either. You can win him back, but it’ll probably take time. Let him know that you’re willing to wait until he’s ready, and he’ll appreciate you all the more for it.
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