How to Keep White Adidas Superstar Shoes Clean
How to Keep White Adidas Superstar Shoes Clean
White Adidas Superstar shoes go with everything and can make any outfit look really cool. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep white tennis shoes looking clean and white. If you want your shoes to stand out, you’ll need to put in a little extra effort to keep them bright and flashy.

Limiting Discoloration

Pre-treat your shoes. Before wearing your Superstar shoes, treat them with a water and stain repellent. Spray the repellant evenly on the area of your shoe. Dab the excess repellant with a soft towel, and allow it to dry overnight. When the repellant dries, add a second coat. This should help prevent moisture and most minor stains from damaging your shoes. You can buy water and stain repellant at your local shoe store. Re-apply the repellant every few weeks as you would with winter boots.

Be careful. Try to avoid getting your shoes dirty. Keep them away from dirt and mud. Don’t run through grass. Grass stains can be very difficult to remove. Take extra precautions when you’re eating so that you don’t spill food or liquid on your shoes. The best way to keep your shoes white is to keep them from getting discolored in the first place.

Shake off the dirt. Inevitably, you will get some dirt on your shoes. Periodically, bang the soles of your shoes together to loosen dirt particles from them. If you allow the dirt to penetrate the fabric, it will be harder to remove. Only knock your shoes together at the soles. If you knock your shoes together anywhere else, you will scuff them up. Don’t hit your shoes together too hard or you might damage them.

Spot clean the rubber parts of your shoes. When you get a stain on a rubber part of one of your shoes, immediately use a magic marker to clean it. Dampen your magic marker and wring out the excess water. Rub it gently over the stain. Use your magic marker to spot clean the shell toe and the sole of each of each of your shoes. Be careful not to smear the stain.

Spot clean the fabric parts of your shoe. If you notice a scratch or blemish on the fabric part of one of your shoes, promptly wipe it away with a shoe cleaner wipe. Wipe your shoes in a gentle circular motion. Wipe your shoes softly to avoid scratching them. You can substitute baby wipes if you don’t have any shoe cleaner wipes available.

Cleaning your Superstar Shoes

Clean your laces. Take your shoelaces out of your shoes. Fill your sink up about halfway with water. Take some hand soap and work it into each of your laces. Be thorough, loosen all the dirt you can. Drop the laces into the water and wash away the remaining soap. Rap a dry rag firmly around one lace. Pull the rag along the length of the lace to dry it and repeat the process to dry the other lace. You can also throw your laces in the washer. Be sure to put them in a pillow case first and wash them in a normal cold wash cycle. Your old laces will start to unravel after a few washes so you should still buy new laces periodically. New laces can instantly make your shoes appear brighter. You can also use an iron to dry your laces and straighten them.

Make your cleaning mixture. Pour a few drops of dish soap into a small glass of water. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes. Never use more than a teaspoon of dish soap in your mixture. Never use bleach to clean your shoes. Bleach will turn your white shoes yellow.

Use a brush. Apply your mixture to a shoe cleaner brush and rub it onto your shoes in a circular motion. Work the mixture in until it starts to foam. You can use a toothbrush to clean the soft fabric and hard to reach parts of your shoes. Be gentle, don’t rub your shoes too hard or you may scratch them. Only use soft bristle brushes to clean your shoes. A hard bristle could damage them.

Dry your shoes. Gently wipe off the foam from your shoes with a soft clean cloth. Put some dryer sheets on the inside of your shoes to soak up the remaining moisture. Give your shoes some time to dry naturally. It could take them as long as a day to dry completely. Change the dryer sheets every few hours to speed up the process. Don’t use a hairdryer or any other source of heat to dry your shoes. Excessive heat can damage them. The dryer sheets will also remove odor from your shoes to keep them smelling fresh.

Storing your Superstar Shoes

Let your shoes dry completely. Make sure your shoes are completely dry before you store them. It will be easier for dirt to stick to your shoes if they are wet. Moisture can also weaken the fibers in shoes causing them to become weaker and lose their shape.

Keep your shoes in the box. Don’t leave your shoes out in the open. If you leave them out, people might step on them or even spill things on them. Keep them in their shoebox until you are ready to wear them. If you don’t have the box your shoes came in, you can place them on a shoe rack that is away from people.

Keep your shoes cool. Make sure you store your shoes in a cool place. Heat can cause discoloration in white shoes. If you have a shoe closet, keep your white shoes as far away from the light bulb as you can.

Keep your shoes out of the sun. Too much sunlight can cause your shoes to become yellow. If you plan on wearing them outside, a little sun is unavoidable, but never leave your shoes out in the sun. If you have to take your shoes off to go swimming, rent a locker to protect them. At the very least, leave them under a chair or table. If you know you’ll be at an outside event all day, it may be wise to wear a different pair of shoes.

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