How to Lead a Celebrity Life
How to Lead a Celebrity Life
If you're forever gazing at glossy magazines with envy, and wondering how on earth the stars manage to look so good, know that you too can lead a celebrity life. The first step toward becoming a celebrity is to dress like one. Next, you will need to take care of yourself, plan some fun events, and keep your reputation in check. So, put on your best shoes and get ready for a fun night out with friends!

Looking Like a Celebrity

Read magazines and pick out stars whose looks resonate with you. Ask yourself why you like their style. Try not to focus so much on the physical features, but rather examine how they carry themselves and how they accessorize. Celebrities such as Beyonce, Zac Efron, Kanye West, and Rihanna have become iconic because they have a signature style. Although they may not be loved by everyone, people certainly know who they are.

Enhance your makeup to accentuate your features. If you don't usually wear makeup, now is the time to start. Try to get a foundation and concealer closest to your face tone. Upscale department stores and beauty workers in salons can help you and give you good advice on makeup that complements your features.

Play up your hair. Before you can start acting like a celeb, you need to do some primping! Try getting highlights in your hair, dying it, or simply getting it cut. Hair needs to be trimmed every six weeks or so to stay healthy. Look through magazines for hairstyle inspiration. Clean, waxed brows will open up your eyes, which should have either clear, black or brown mascara on them, and a light eyeshadow, such as beige or taupe. Use an eyeliner pencil on the top of eyes. Light pink or clear lipgloss is great for lips.

Get pedicures and manicures periodically. They make your hands and feet feel so soft and will boost your confidence as well. You can do these at home, but if you want a treat, you can always head off to a salon! Most celebrities use a light coat of paint for their fingernails and a darker color for their toes. For an ultra-glam look, dress up your nails with stick-on jewels!

Collect quality clothing. Work with what you already own first. Analyze your closet and donate anything that doesn't fit your new celebrity lifestyle. Buy a few celebrity gossip magazines and check out what's in vogue. What are your favorite celebs wearing? Your clothing does not have to be designer, it just has to fit your body well. Remember to try clothing on before purchasing so that you can check that it flatters your body type. If you want to buy designer clothing and cannot afford it, start saving. Do odd jobs for your parents, get a part-time job, and put your talents to use. You may soon be able to afford designer sunglasses or a scarf.

Wear unique or statement accessories. Accessories really set outfits off and take a look to the next level. Try looking at online shops such as Etsy or eBay to find unique jewelry that suits your style. Be sure not to overdo it with accessories, however, as the most sophisticated looks often keep accessorizing to a minimum. Try one statement necklace and a few bangle bracelets, for instance.

Acting Like a Star

Buy a planner and fill it up with fun events. First, pencil in appointments that you must keep. Allow time for work, study, and family. Then, take the leftover time and start making exciting plans! Go to the gym, shop, visit friends, throw parties, organize dinners and hit the clubs! You will meet a ton of interesting people and have great experiences to look back on later in life. Celebs are always out and about, whether they are attending shows, seeing movies, or just spending time in the sun. People will love hanging out with you because you are fun and energetic, and, more importantly, you'll be hard to get ahold of, which will make people value your time more and work harder to impress you.

Keep a spotless reputation. Celebrity status of an individual seems to magnify any small accidents. Once a celebrity makes even the smallest of errors, their flaws are plastered all over media outlets. To lead a celebrity life, you must keep your reputation in check and always treat others with respect.

Maintain an active social media presence. Celebrities often amass huge followings on social media platforms such as Twitter and Instagram. Express yourself authentically, and your fans will find you. Follow a lot of celebrities and become inspired by the way they share their words or photographs with the public.

Have a public break-up, then get back together immediately. Dating drama is very much an aspect of celebrity culture, right? Of course, we advise healthy relationships above all else, but manufacturing a bit of 'drama' can get you in the limelight. Just be sure that your flawless reputation remains intact!

Carry a small pet dog around in your purse. A furry friend can make the best accessory. Take notes from Scarlett Johansson, Jessica Simpson, and Britney Spears, who are known to carry their pets around with them. Just be sure that your puppy is comfortable. If you begin doing this, people will assume you are famous and fabulous in no time!

Be charitable. Be supportive of third-world countries by donating money or goods. Become inspired by celebrity do-gooders such as Angelina Jolie.

Plan frequent vacations. Celebs love to have fun in the sun, so consider visiting a tropical island. Be sure to bring your camera along, as you will want to document the vacation for your fans at home! Slather on some sunscreen and work on that tan. You deserve to treat yourself to a good time.

Develop a special skill to earn public recognition. Your fans will want to know all about you, including your quirks and talents. Try out something goofy, such as juggling, or join a dance class to work on your moves. Once you become skilled at something, show it off on social media or in a public venue. Take pride in your accomplishments! If people see that you are excited about what you're doing, they will gain enthusiasm for you as well.

Maintaining Healthy Habits

Take care of your skin. Facials should be done every week, and you can do them from home. Cold tea bags are great for healing puffy eyes. Exfoliating is important as it makes your skin glow by getting rid of dead cells.

Look after your teeth. Brush, floss, and whiten your teeth (professionally or with a home product) and use mints or gum for fresh breath. Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so the upkeep is definitely worth it!

Eat a balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are key to maintaining an energetic and healthy lifestyle. Drink a lot of water as well, since staying hydrated lowers health risks significantly. You should drink about 8 glasses of water each day. If you want to lose weight, talk to your doctor or parents and try to devise a healthy eating plan. Starving yourself will slow the rate at which your body burns fat. Join a gym and work with a personal trainer to work toward your ideal body goals.

Get a sufficient amount of sleep. To stay healthy, a person should get about 7-8 hours of sleep per night. Try to take time to relax and meditate during the day as well, so that you can feel alert and refreshed. Try to get into a relaxing routine before bed so that your body can get into a sleeping mode. Turn off your electronic devices and dim the lights. Avoid drinking caffeine close to bedtime. You may choose to play some soothing music as well.

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