How to Make a Virgo Man Regret Losing You
How to Make a Virgo Man Regret Losing You
Your ex has no idea what he’s losing—but he’s about to realize his mistake. Virgo men are typically practical, hardworking, helpful, reserved, and shy, and they’re very focused on pursuing their hopes and dreams. Normally, Virgos are really in control of their emotions, but they’re also prone to overthinking. If you make a Virgo man regret losing you, he won't be able to stop thinking about you. Fortunately, we have all the advice you need to make him realize you're the one who got away.This article is based on an interview with our psychic astrologer, Stina Garbis, owner of Psychic Stina. Check out the full interview here.

Pretend you’re moving on.

A Virgo will get jealous if he thinks you’re over him. Act like you don't need him anymore by meeting new people. Try posting on social media that you're dating again and trying new experiences, even if you aren't yet. You don't have to go on dates for him to believe you're on the prowl. You might post a snap that says, “Met a cool guy tonight,” or “Loving the single life.” If he texts you, be vague about what you’re doing. You might reply, “I’m getting ready to go out tonight,” or “I forgot to text back because I’m so busy.”

Give him some space so he can miss you.

A Virgo may push you away, but he’s also sad to see you go. If you're trying to stay friends, tell him that you need some space to think about things. Then, stop communicating with him for at least a week to show him you’re moving on. Hopefully, he’ll spend this time thinking about how much he wants you back. You might text him, “After all that’s happened, I really need some space. I’ll be out-of-touch for a while.” You could also say, “I know we agreed to be friends, but I need some time to process what happened. I’m not going to be responding to texts for a while.”

Flaunt your favorite looks.

Virgo men seek out a partner who cares about their appearance. Look and feel your best by wearing all your favorite outfits. Additionally, style your hair the way you like it and use your favorite grooming products, like body lotion. You’ll look amazing, and he’ll be longing for your time together. You might wear your favorite lotion or perfume to help you feel even more amazing. There’s no one way to dress to attract a Virgo. Just wear what makes you feel fabulous!

Fill up your schedule so you’re too busy for him.

Virgos are drawn to people who have full, independent lives. Watching you live your best life will drive him crazy. Take this time to do all the things you love to do, and make sure you post about it all over social media. While you’re out having a great time, he’ll be watching from the sidelines, realizing he messed up. Here are some ideas to get you started: Go out with friends. Enjoy a big family dinner. Practice your hobbies. Go to a paint and sip. Take a day trip to a nearby city or town. Try a new restaurant or coffee shop. Host a movie or game night at your home.

Make social media posts about pursuing your goals.

Virgos are extremely goal-oriented, so your drive will draw him to you. You’re probably already working toward your dreams, so start documenting your progress with photos and updates. This is also a great time to start working toward a big goal that’s been on your mind. Make a list of small steps you can take toward your goal, and get started on your to-do list. As an example, you might be in college right now. Post about your classes and grades. You might also have a goal related to your hobby. For instance, you might post about your running achievements as you train for a marathon, or you could post about your book word count if you’re writing a novel.

Learn something new.

Virgos love intellect, so remind him that you’re smart. There are so many fun and interesting things to learn about. Pick a topic that draws you in and read about it online. Alternatively, enroll in an online class or take a class in-person. Post about what you’re learning so he sees how scholarly you are. For instance, you might read about the Mayan empire and post about the Mayan ruins. Take it to the next level by reading about local legends and taking photos of the sites. Post your photos with tidbits about the stories. You can find free or inexpensive classes online through sites like, or You can take classes in topics like art history, poetry, literature, science, history, or business.

Volunteer to help a cause that's important to you.

Virgos really value helpfulness, so show him you care. You can help an organization or an individual, depending on what works best for you. Just make it your goal to help so he sees how compassionate you are. You don’t want to exploit the people you’re helping, so here are some ways you can post about what you’re doing: If you have a T-shirt for the organization, post a photo of you in your shirt with a caption like, “So happy to be able to serve others today,” or “Giving my time to save the animals today.” Post a photo of you standing in front of a building where you are volunteering. Take a picture of canned goods to show you’re volunteering at the food bank or of adoptable pets if you’re volunteering at a shelter. Post a photo of brown paper bags you’ve packed with lunches for the unhoused.

Keep your space clean and organized.

Virgos love tidy environments. Take some time to sort through your stuff so it’s more organized. Additionally, tidy your space and make it really comfortable for you. Seeing you living your best life in a great space will make him realize he lost someone amazing. If you have items you aren’t using, donate them, give them away, or toss them so they aren’t cluttering your space.

Be a bit mysterious.

Virgos are hesitant to open up, but they're drawn to intrigue. To be mysterious, don’t directly tell him everything you’re doing right now. Let him piece things together by watching your life play out on social media. Additionally, do things that are unpredictable and change up your style. This will keep him guessing. Let’s say you’re posting a snap before a night out. You might post a photo of you in a new outfit with the caption, “Plans tonight.” His head will be spinning wondering what you’re doing. Similarly, you might post a photo of you at a new restaurant. Virgos tend to be really and reflective—they'll always be considering what you're saying, but also what you're not saying.

Act calm and self-assured.

Virgos seek out a partner who's relaxed. Incorporate calming activities into your day to help you keep your cool. When he sees how chill you are, he’ll realize you were a great match for him. Here are some ways you might show him you’re calm: Maintain a neutral tone of voice when you talk to him. Do breathing exercises when you need to calm down or relax. Visualize yourself in a calm space. Post pictures of yourself meditating. Share quotes or memes about being calm. Post about using aromatherapy to relax or calm down.

Remind him of your past together.

Virgos love what’s familiar, so nostalgia will make him miss you. Help him remember the most fun or thoughtful experiences you shared. Here are some ways to remind him of good times: Post a funny story from your relationship on social media. Share photos of you together on social media with captions like, “This day was so fun,” or “Can’t wait to go to the beach again.” If you’re still communicating with him, send him a photo of you together with the message, “Remember this?”

Open up about your feelings if you want to reconnect.

Virgos appreciate when you're open and honest about your emotions. Because he’s shy and reserved, you may need to take the first step to reconnect. If you want him back, your best bet is to tell him how you feel. You could send him a heartfelt text, or ask him to talk in real life. Say something like: “I really miss talking to you every day. Lately, I’ve been reminiscing about good times. Remember how much fun we had?” “I know that you’re worried we’re too different, but I really think we bring out the best in each other. I love that you’re kind and thoughtful, and I know you like laughing at my jokes. Would you be open to trying our relationship again?”

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