- Common signs of a curse include persistent bad luck, financial hardships, and deteriorating relationships.
- A curse will target your physical and mental well-being through illness or lack of sleep.
- Remove a curse by performing a magic mirror spell. Place a hand mirror toward a window to reflect any negativity to the attacker.
Signs You're Cursed
You're hit with a streak of bad luck. We all experience bad days from time to time, but when one bad thing happens after another, it may be because someone has cursed you. You might get stuck in traffic, crack your phone screen, then have to pull a double shift.
You're experiencing an onset of depression. Despite rocking a positive attitude, a mysterious heaviness could drag you down. Feelings of unexplainable anxiousness or restlessness are a sign of negative energy.If you continue to experience depression, seek help from a professional.
You can't stop having nightmares. You're most vulnerable to a curse when asleep. As your body slows and relaxes, negative energies can strike. They call on bad omens or traumas to leave you in a state of fearfulness or exhaustion. Exposure to persistent nightmares is a cause for concern. The less quality sleep you're able to get, the more vulnerable you are to the curse during waking hours.
You notice things that aren’t there. An occasional sighting from the corner of your eye is normal. But seeing indescribable shapes and figures or hearing strange sounds throughout the day isn't. This means the curse has found new ways to create chaos. Negative energies target your mental health to create passing hallucinations.If you're experiencing ongoing hallucinations, reach out to a local healthcare provider. Cursed or not, your health should always be your number one priority.
You’re suddenly ill or injured. Have you ever woken up to large bruises on your skin with no explanation of how you got them? This is one of the early signs a bad entity is attached to you. In many famous cases, like the Mummy Curses, a trend of injury or fatality is prevalent.Consult a licensed healthcare provider to look for medical causes of illness or injury. For any unexplained causes, break out cleansing candles and make a protection sigil.
You're receiving ominous letters or emails. Have you been receiving eerie messages in person or online from an anonymous source? Receiving written letters or emails is your attacker bringing your curse to life.Protect yourself by reversing the curse with a mirror box. Place the letter inside, close the box, and put a black candle on top to cast away any negative energy.
You’re struggling with finances. If you're known for being smart with your money and all of a sudden you're flat broke, someone could be after you. Curses may affect your finances first because money is the easiest to lose.
Your relationships turn sour. Curses can create division in professional, romantic, family, and platonic relationships. If one moment your partner is telling you how much they love you, and the next they dump you, it may be because someone has hexed you.
How to Break a Curse
Identify the source of the problem. Chances are, if you’re butting heads with someone in your life they may be the cause behind your curse. This includes current and past partners, friends, or family members. Whatever the reason for the curse, before engaging in any spells or rituals, talk to them. When we can communicate, we can feel more connected to ourselves and others.If you feel uncomfortable around the person you think may have cursed you, you might opt to communicate virtually rather than in person. Address the conflict between you two or ask outright if you've done anything to upset them. Then, apologize for your part and try to make amends.
Cast a magic mirror spell. If you need a simple self-defense spell, this is it. The magic mirror spell works by taking your attacker’s curse and flipping it back on them. To perform this spell, first cleanse your space then cast a magic circle. Map out the physical bounds of your circle by drawing it or using salt. Use a sage stick, tobacco, or a feather and wave it over your body to get rid of negative energies. Take a hand mirror or small to medium-sized wall mirror. Use your tool to smudge it.Set the mirror near a window by your bed, facing outside. Light a black candle and place it in front of the mirror. Pray to the mirror and instruct it to reflect any negativity to its source. Create a phrase that represents your intention and chant for several minutes. Charge the mirror by focusing on it. Take slow breaths to practice a brief meditation. Visualize your energy flowing around you. Exhale and imagine your breath blowing over the mirror. Stay with this image for five minutes, meditating as you do.
What happens if the curse isn’t broken?
Use an amulet for safety. Amulets are objects that are either naturally made or man-made. For centuries, their healing and protection abilities offered warriors good luck. To use their power, just like crystals, they must be cleansed and charged.Cleanse your amulet by researching its specific cultural, spiritual, or religious origins. Following its authentic cleansing ritual will make its power stronger. For example, use Holy Water for a Catholic amulet. After cleansing, approach the amulet with a clear intention such as "I am safe." Then perform a brief meditation or prayer.Visualize your intention as a light energy that is going into your amulet. Consecrate your amulet through prayer, chants, or verbalizing your intention. This will give the amulet its protection powers.Blow on the amulet a few times to give it your energy and intention. Thank your amulet for receiving your intention and protecting you. Repeat this process once every week after cleansing for the duration of your curse.
Cast a protection spell. Smoke magic is a simple protection spell. It uses candles, herbs, or incense to clear away negative energy and unwanted spirits. Start your protection ritual with herbs like frankincense, pine, or rosemary. Alternatively, grab a black candle to release negative energy. Before burning your scents or candles, set an intention.For example, “As I light this candle, please protect me from any negative energies, forces, or entities that wish me ill. I ask for forgiveness for any wrongdoings on my part. I ask for safety to pursue my path and purpose.” Once you are content with your intention, light your tool. Watch it burn as you sit with your thoughts until it's completed.
You may not have been cursed in the first place. Don’t feel bad—many of us jump to conclusions. Sometimes when unexplainable, bad things happen one after the other it can feel like someone—or the universe—is out to get us.However, if your spells don't work, it may be because you haven't been cursed. Keep a positive attitude and remain patient—the bad luck or feelings you're experiencing will pass.
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