Chandigarh bans public smoking
Chandigarh bans public smoking
Chandigarh is cracking down on public smoking. The city has started a campaign to make Chandigarh smoke-free.

New Delhi: Chandigarh is cracking down on public smoking. The city has started a campaign to make Chandigarh smoke-free, and the effects are already being felt.

It's the Chandigarh police's way of helping smokers quit the habit. The city is trying to stub out public smoking with a vengeance.

After July, Chandigarh will have designated smoking areas at public places to reduce the risks of passive smoking. And if anyone's caught breaking the law, the police can impose a fine on the spot.

Many are all for the campaign to make Chandigarh a smoke free city.

Bookstore owner Karan Puri says, “People used to be sitting and smoking here all the time. Now we don't see anyone smoking or spitting here. This place was being used like a public spittoon or a public ashtray. This is a great initiative.”

The Cigarettes and Tobacco Products Prohibition Act banned smoking in public places across the country in May 2004.

But implementation has been a problem. The Chandigarh administration took action only after several RTI applications seeking the status of the implementation of the law were filed by the Burning Brains Society, an NGO in the city.

Burning Brain Society Chairperson Hemant Goswami says, “Terrorists tried to stop smoking by using guns and bullets, but they could not manage it, but using RTI applications we have managed it.”

But the move has left some people fuming.

Rajeev a regular smoker says, “If I smoke in my bathroom that also pollutes so what is the difference if I smoke in the open?”

Before you light up in Chandigarh’s public areas, think again. This is soon going to be declared India's first smoking free city and fines are already being imposed.

A relief for those sick of being passive smokers but sure to lead to frustrating moments for many a smoker here.

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