Hamas to drag Israel to court
Hamas to drag Israel to court
The attention of International Court of Justice will be attracted towards illegal arrest of Hamas legislators by Israel.

Jerusalem: The Hamas-led Palestinian Authority (PA) will file a petition against Israel in the International Court of Justice at Hague, accusing it of committing "war crimes against Palestinians".

"We have taken legal steps to press charges against Israel with the International Court of Justice," Palestinian Authority's Justice Minister Ahmad al-Khalidi, told London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi.

The PA will attract the court's attention towards the latest series of air strikes in Gaza in which innocent civilians have been killed and public infrastructure damaged, besides illegally arresting Hamas legislators, he said.

Israeli air strikes on power and water stations and government buildings in the Gaza Strip violate international law, he added.

The Minister warned that if the court fails to stop Israel's aggression against the Palestinians, Hamas will have no choice but to use violence in order to protect the Palestinian people, Ynetnews quoted the interview.

"Suing Israel in the international court is a test for international institutions. If they deny the rights of Palestinians, then the international community has to act responsibly when it comes to blocking the legal channels to the Palestinians, forcing them to use violence to defend ourselves and our people," al-Khalidi said.

The Justice Ministry will be providing legal assistance to defend Hamas legislators arrested by Israel, which threatened to put on trial arrested Hamas members, the report said.

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