International Yoga Day 2019: 5 Different Types of Yoga and How They Can Benefit You
International Yoga Day 2019: 5 Different Types of Yoga and How They Can Benefit You
Yoga is one such practice, which can not only become a part of your daily workout routine but also help improve your lifestyle drastically.

Along with an increase in consumption of processed foods in our day to day life, it gets important for one to include some physical activity as well. Yoga is one such practice, which can not only become a part of your daily workout routine but also help improve your lifestyle drastically.

However, just like any other exercise, Yoga also has different types. It might get confusing which one to start with. So, here is a list of the five different types of the exercise, which will help you to understand what kind of yoga is suitable for you:

Hatha Yoga: This is the best type of yoga to practice if you are beginner. This category includes all kind of yoga styles based on physical practice. It includes anything from yoga postures to breathing exercises. Hatha Yoga also helps in preparing body for meditation.

Vinayasa Yoga: Linking breath with movement, Vinyasa yoga involves a number of athletic yoga postures. This type of yoga can help in toning body as it gives a person an overall cardio workout. However, if you are just starting out then it would be recommended to get familiar with non-flowing style first.

Iyengar Yoga: Named after B.K.S.Iyengar, a famous yogi from India, this yoga is recommended if you suffer from joint problems. Based on Eight Limbs of Yoga, this style is usually taught without any music. Along with improving stability, Iyengar Yoga also helps in building strength.

Bikram Yoga: Founded by Bikram Choudhury in the 1970s, this yoga is performed in a room heated to 105 degrees Fahrenheit and 40% humidity. This is 90-minute long sequence involving 26 basic postures and two breathing exercises.

Yin Yoga: Letting you hold poses from 45 seconds to two minutes, this is the style you need to try if you are into slow-paced yoga. This yoga is often performed in a heated room which helps in increasing the elasticity of our muscles. However, if you suffer from any connective tissue disease, then it recommended to not practice this yoga style.

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