THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: The short documentary film titled ‘Farming Our Future’ directed by Venu Nair has been officially selected to the Third Tutti Nello Stesso Piatto International Food, Film and Video Diversity Festival-2011 to be held in Trento, Italy. The film talks of how chemicals used in agriculture can cause deleterious effect on the human body. The director argues that frantic efforts to step up food production to match the fast growth in world population have resulted in very serious consequences.The 25-minute film, written and directed by Venu Nair, advocates organic farming, which effectively is beneficial considering not just the environmental aspects, but also the social and economic aspects as well. ‘’Use of locally available resources is the highlight of organic farming. Healthy soil means healthy food, healthy food means healthy people,’’ says Venu Nair. ‘Farming Our Future’ depicts the ill-effects of chemical farming and the role of organic farming in the creation of a healthy world. This is the only short film from India to get an official selection at the festival. The screening of the film is scheduled for 6.30 pm on November 11 at Trento.
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