Belly Fat in Women: Here's What Experts Suggest to Get Rid of it
Belly Fat in Women: Here's What Experts Suggest to Get Rid of it
Along with lifestyle, experts consider some natural hormonal changes to be the reason behind the increase in belly fat in women.

Many of you must have wondered why belly fat increases in women in middle age. After the age of 40, the body fat in many women tends to shift near the abdomen and waistline, which is called belly fat.

Along with lifestyle, experts consider some natural hormonal changes to be the reason behind the increase in belly fat. To shed some belly fat, many women start indulging in daily workouts and various types of supplements. However, in many cases, it does not help much in reducing belly fat.

According to a recent report published in The New York Times, Associate Professor Victoria Vieira-Potter of the University of Missouri, United States suggests that when women cross the fourth decade and enter menopause, they may start to notice many symptoms including change in body shape which occurs due to changes in the level of hormones like estrogen.

The pre-menopause symptoms include sudden mood swings, irregular menstruation, disturbed sleeping patterns and many more. Pre-menopause mainly lasts till the age of 45 to 55 years, according to Professor Victoria.

Professor Dr Gail Greendale of the University of California says that before the menopause transition, body fat in women accumulates on the thighs and hips, but during menopause, fat starts collecting in the middle of the body – in and around the abdomen.

The two measures to reduce belly fat

According to experts, the law of calorie deficit can help to reduce weight. The law is to burn 500 calories every day through exercise. The amount of burned calories should be more than the calories you take in a day. This is called a healthy calorie deficit. With this, you can lose about half a kilogram in a week.

Walk for 50 to 70 minutes

Experts suggest that if you walk for 50-70 minutes three days a week, then it can contribute to your goal of weight loss. Not only the fat under the skin but also the fat hidden in the abdominal cavity will be reduced.

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