Ravana – the king of Lanka is referred as Dashanan (ten-headed) in scriptures and mythological epics. There are three different tales that clarify whether ‘Dashanan’ was a superlative used for the asura king to showcase his attributes or did he really have ten heads!
1. Gyata (Knower) of Ten Scriptures
As per the legends, Ravana was a prodigy with comprehensive knowledge of the ten sacred Hindu texts and scriptures viz the Six Darshana - Sankhya, Yoga, Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Meemansa and Vedanta as well as the Four Vedas - Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and Atharva Veda. It is said that Ravana amongst many other thesis and texts, knew these Ten Scripts - Kanthastha (verbatim) and hence he was named ‘Dashkanthi’ (the one with ten throats) which eventually became famous as Dashanan.
2. Dasamukha
As per Jainism, in Vimalasuri’s Version, Ravana is referred as Dasamukha (ten-headed) because of a necklace made of nien pearls he wore as a gift from his mother. The necklace reflected his head thus giving the illusion of Dasamukha.
3. The Legend of Dashmi
As per Ramacharitmanasa author Goswami Tulsidas, Ravana had ten heads and twenty arms. As per Tulsidas, the battle started on Amavasya (no moon night) and each day until the dashmi – tenth day, Ravana lost one head.
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