Nurturing Healthy Eyesight in Children: A Nutritional Approach
Nurturing Healthy Eyesight in Children: A Nutritional Approach
Starting early with a focus on essential nutrients is key to preventing vision-related issues in later years, offering a brighter and clearer future for our children's eyesight

The importance of maintaining healthy eyesight in children cannot be overstated, and a key element in achieving this lies in their nutritional intake. From Vitamin A to omega-3 fatty acids, we underscore the significance of a balanced diet rich in specific nutrients. This foundational approach not only promotes immediate well-being but also establishes a framework for a future free from vision-related issues, emphasizing the critical role of nutrition in nurturing children’s eyesight.

Dr Gaurav Jawa, Senior Consultant, Neonatology and Pediatrics, Apollo Cradle and Children’s Hospital, Chirag Enclave, New Delhi, emphasizes the pivotal role of nutrition in ensuring optimal eyesight for children. In collaboration with Sweedal Trinidade, Chief Dietician at P. D. Hinduja Hospital & Medical Research Centre in Mahim, they provide valuable insights into essential nutrients for promoting healthy eyesight in children and preventing vision-related issues in later years.

The Foundation of Good Vision

A strong foundation for a healthy childhood is crucial for a disease-free adulthood. Proper nutrition, alongside a reduction in screen time, forms the cornerstone of maintaining healthy eyesight in children.

Key Nutrients for Healthy Eyesight

Vitamin A:

  1. Essential for maintaining photoreceptors responsible for good eyesight.
  2. Found in animal sources such as milk, organ meats, and eggs, as well as plant carotenoids in colorful fruits and vegetables.

Yellow Carotenoids (Lutein and Zeaxanthin):

  1. Critical for the central part of the retina (macula) where light-sensitive cells are located.
  2. Abundant in vegetables like spinach and kale, along with healthy fats.

Vitamin C:

Balanced Diet for Healthy Eyes

Ensuring a well-rounded nutritional intake based on Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) is paramount. This approach helps prevent deficiencies and lays the groundwork for healthy eyesight in children.

The collaboration between Dr Gaurav Jawa and Sweedal Trinidade underscores the significance of nutrition in maintaining and promoting healthy eyesight in children. By incorporating a variety of nutrient-rich foods into a child’s diet, parents can contribute to their overall well-being, setting the stage for a lifetime of clear vision and visual well-being. Starting early with a focus on essential nutrients is key to preventing vision-related issues in later years, offering a brighter and clearer future for our children’s eyesight.

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