Steam Launches Creator Pages For Developers, Publishers
Steam Launches Creator Pages For Developers, Publishers
Steam Business Team member Tom Giardino had mentioned Curator Homepages during a May presentation at NordicGame 2018.

With the 2018 Steam Summer Sale expected to run June 21 to July 5, the digital retailer has launched an expanded version of user-made Curator Pages. Managed by developers and publishers, Creator Homepages can "divide into collections by genre or franchise, or ... highlight their fan-favorite or top-selling games," explained Steam designer Alden Kroll in a public announcement, while "a developer of only a single game might primarily dedicate their homepage to announcements of new projects."

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The generic Creator Homepage section will also highlight developers and publishers behind games that logged-in users have recently played. An existing Curator feature allows users to draw up lists of games for recommendation, avoidance, or for general informational purposes; Creator Homepages leverage that curation element further by combining it with Steam's catalog listings.

Steam Business Team member Tom Giardino had mentioned Curator Homepages during a May presentation at NordicGame 2018.

He also outlined another upcoming feature that has not yet been launched, Steam Events, whereby developers and publishers could organize and publicize tournaments, special weekends, seasonal events, content launches, livestreams and so on, and Creator Homepages provide a foundation for this next step.

And with the Steam Summer Sale about to launch, it's likely that the Creator Homepages will figure into any catalog discovery challenges that Steam has habitually encouraged its users to embark upon.

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