'If Genders Were Reversed': Influencer's Video on How to Make Random Guy Pay Bill Gets Flak
'If Genders Were Reversed': Influencer's Video on How to Make Random Guy Pay Bill Gets Flak
A video went viral that featured an influencer’s guide on how to trick the man into paying your bills.

Social media is a place where you might end up finding some of the most unexpected content. From cooking lessons to make-up tutorials, as well as finance tips and so much more. But did you know you could also find unsolicited dating advice on the internet. In this case, it’s more like “how to trick a guy” advice. Yes, you read that right. Recently, a video went viral that featured an influencer’s guide on how to trick the man into paying your bills. While it’s a satire reel, this has sparked a debate over gender discrimination and how men are often misled.

The video was posted on X by a user named Ruchi Kokcha, who explained, “This is Priyanka Tyagi, a social media influencer with 1M followers on Insta. She is giving a tutorial on how to trick a guy into falling for you just to pay your bills. The reel has 4.3 million views.” It begins with a narrative in the background in which the woman tries to teach how to capture the attention of a male in a club, keep him engaged by ignoring him and eventually enticing him into footing the bill for you.

Irked by the content, Ruchi remarked, “Imagine the outrage If a guy talks about doing this kind of a thing. Our law has so many provisions for women who can slap numerous cases on a man who tries to do such a thing but none for such women who dupe men off their money by giving them false relationship hopes. Time for equal laws?”

Not just her, but several others pointed out how misleading this reel was. Another wrote, “Feminists don’t outrage on such reels. If a male influencer made a reel on how to use a woman and then dump her, he would have been completely cancelled. Especially if he said in India because such girls are….. Not dil lagane ke liye.”

There were similar opinions from many other users. Some said, “ Reverse the roles and the man will be called as “predator” and what not.” while there were few who blamed the content creators as well saying, “No wonder girls are misled that being beautiful you can get anything done and not by your own virtue.”

There were many users who pointed out that the reel was just a joke, however, others could not only see it as a way to mock men.

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