How To
How to Be Tough
Being tough is about much more than talking a big game. Tough people handle difficult situations with strength and grace. They stay positive instead of letting cynicism rule the day, and they're the ones who volunteer to help when someone needs to take th...
How to Put Your Dog on a Diet
If you've noticed your dog is packing on the pounds, don't be surprised. Many dogs slowly gain weight over a long period of time. While this might seem like a simple cosmetic problem, obesity, or carrying extra weight, can mean health problems for your pe...
Everything You Need to Know About Dating a Gemini
Geminis are curious, charming, versatile, and mentally active air signs—the kind of partner who can always keep things interesting. When you’re dating a Gemini, you can expect them to be fun and adventurous, with lots to say and new, exciting activities t...
Ears Won’t Pop? How to Find Instant Relief
From time to time, especially when you’re dealing with a sudden change in air pressure (like when you’re in an airplane), your ears may start to feel stuffed, or like they need to pop. This uncomfortable condition is called ear barotrauma, which happens...
How to Clean Quarters
Sometimes, quarters become so dirty that they are just too gross and disgusting to handle. As such, some people find it necessary to clean them, especially if they wish to use them for a craft project. Other people may just want a pretty, clean quarter to...
How to Be Friends After a Breakup
When you break up with someone, sometimes you still want to hold on to that relationship, though it's necessary to change the nature of the relationship itself. With the shared history between you and your ex, it's only natural to want to remain a part of...
How to Pose at a Photo Shoot
Models and celebrities make posing for photos look easy, whether it's on the red carpet or modeling for the latest ad campaign. But the truth is, they're probably thinking pretty hard about what they're doing. It takes a lot of time and effort to get the...
How to Study Well
Being good at studying is a skill that anyone can learn, and that includes you! There are good study habits and there are bad study habits, and this article is going to show you how to ditch what’s not working and focus on strategies that will work and ma...
How to Be a Boxer
The exhilaration of being in a boxing match is unlike any other feeling in the world. The rush of being in a fight, the adoration of fans, and the recognition of other fighters are all things that an aspiring boxer may want. However, being a boxer is also...
How to Remedy Common Problems With Making Injera
How to troubleshoot things that go wrong when making injera.
How to Fight off a Dog
While dogs are normally peaceful, friendly animals, they can become aggressive in certain situations. If you have never encountered an aggressive dog before, being in this situation can be terrifying and even dangerous. In such an instance, you'll need to...
How to Resist Texting All the Time
Texting has become the most common form of communication for many people. A recent study showed that one in three people who send text messages would rather text than talk on the phone. There is a reason for that: it's quick, it's easy, and your recipient...
How to Get Under Your Bro’s Skin (Whether He’s Older or Younger)
Brothers can be so annoying sometimes—and sometimes, the only way to get them to lay off is by being annoying yourself! If you’re in need of some creative ways to get on his nerves, keep reading: we’ve made a handy guide to annoying the heck out of your b...
How to Walk Away from Love
Relationships are one of the most exhilarating aspects of life. Sadly, many love affairs don't end in a happily ever after. Sometimes, circumstances require that you re-evaluate your love and decide to walk away. You can get the courage to walk away from...
How to Live by the Spirit
The Bible says, "So I say to you live by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature." (Galatians 5:16). Paul instructs Christians to live by the Spirit, rather than the flesh, so that we won't 'gratify' the sinful nature. How d...
How to Install Your Favorite Games on a USB Device and Play on Any PC With Prayaya V3
This guide will help you how to install your favorite games on USB drive and play on any PC with your own archive.