And the most seductive woman is...
And the most seductive woman is...
It is not JLo, Jolie or Kelly Brook. It is a mix of all three seductive divas.

London: She’s got Jennifer Lopez’s nose, Angelina Jolie’s lips and Kelly Brook’s hair and body. No, she’s not the latest ‘it’ girl, but a computer-generated composite representing British women’s idea of the “most seductive woman of all time”.

Dressed in Marilyn Monroe’s white halter dress from ‘The Seven Year Itch’, Angelle L Brook gives the idea as how Brit women project a seductive women.

She was created from a survey of British women’s views about seduction, commissioned by fabric conditioner firm Lenor, reports the Telegraph.

The women voted Monroe the most seductive woman from the past, and Jolie the most seductive living woman.

But while British women thought that Hollywood stars were brimming with alluring attributes, they felt less confident about their own power to bewitch, the survey found.

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