Dalai Lama gets Mahatma Gandhi peace prize
Dalai Lama gets Mahatma Gandhi peace prize
The grand daughter of Mahatma Gandhi, Ila Gandhi, presented the award at the Kalachakra ground in Bodh Gaya.

Bodh Gaya: Tibetan spiritual leader, the Dalai Lama was on Wednesday presented the Mahatma Gandhi International Award for Peace and Reconciliation on the fourth day of the ten-day Kalachakra initiations.

The grand daughter of Mahatma Gandhi, Ila Gandhi, presented the award, instituted in 2003, to the Dalai Lama at the Kalachakra ground in Bodh Gaya.

Ila Gandhi, who is based in South Africa, is chairman of the Gandhi Development Trust, which gives the award.

In his acceptance speech, the spiritual leader said it was a happy moment for him to recall Mahatama Gandhi who had experimented with non-violence to gain freedom for India.

He said he had also adopted the path of non-violence and was an admirer of Mahatama Gandhi.

Ila Gandhi said the Dalai Lama was supposed to receive the award in Durban in 2011, but because of some visa related problems, he could not make it.

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