Former UN secy-gen, Annan to mediate in Kenya
Former UN secy-gen, Annan to mediate in Kenya
Ban Ki-Moon says the move is a positive development towards peace in Kenya.

New Delhi: Kofi Annan will leave to Kenya to mediate the crisis between the rival parties after President John Kufuor of Ghana failed to do so.

The African Union has decided to send the former UN General Secretary to solve the Kenyan crisis and broker a truce between the government and opposition leaders to end the crisis, which erupted after flawed elections last month and left hundreds dead from violence.

Annan will lead a group of African dignitaries and will try to bring both sides to come together.

Ban Ki-Moon, Kofi Annan's successor has said that the move is a positive development towards peace in the country.

Kenyan Diplomats are pessimistic that a solution will be found anytime soon because neither Kenya's President Mwai Kibaki, nor the top opposition leader Raila Odinga, are budging.

Both claim to have won the presidential election on December 27.

Western observers have said that there was widespread evidence that the president's party interfered with the vote tallying process and rigged the results to stay in power.

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