By imposing a healthcare tax on liquor and fuel, the Uttarakhand cabinet on Thursday increased the price of liquor by amounts between Rs 20 and Rs 200 per bottle and that of petrol and diesel per litre by Rs one and Rs two respectively. The healthcare tax imposed on liquor and petrol-diesel will be utilised for the development of the state, cabinet minister and State government spokesperson Madan Kaushik said.
By imposing a healthcare tax on liquor and fuel, the Uttarakhand cabinet on Thursday increased the price of liquor by amounts between Rs 20 and Rs 200 per bottle and that of petrol and diesel per litre by Rs one and Rs two respectively. The healthcare tax imposed on liquor and petrol-diesel will be utilised for the development of the state, cabinet minister and State government spokesperson Madan Kaushik said.
Both the decisions will come into immediate effect as soon as the government orders in this regard come into force, Kaushik said. Foreign-made liquor and liquor made in India will now be available for an additional cost of Rs 20 to 200 per litre, he said.
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