Like I said I’m not a particular fan of Valentines Day or the iPhone, although they both have their merits, depending on situations and circumstances.
But when it comes to applications I have had plenty of fun using the iPhone as compared to some of the other UIs. I even know iPhone users who’ve actually used applications and the handset for the most important days of their lives.
A buddy wrote his wedding speech on his and his toast-master, who just happens to be my editor, wrote his on his iTouch.
With that ‘fateful’ day just a few hours away (so to speak) iPhone users can make the best of their devices with some of these apps we’ve collected for you.
Of course these could also be used in case you don’t happen to have a Valentine and are looking and even if you struck out. More importantly, most of these apps are either free or cost no more than Rs. 100. But like i said - No Guarantees.
These suggested apps could either help or hinder so proceed at your own risk.
Love Poem Generator (Free)
For the lazy, but romantic who never have the right thing to say or just didn’t want to spend the time doing so but always wanted to, the Love Poem Generator is THE perfect solution for you. The application is able to generate random lines from over 10,000 poems. You can opt to select random sentences from a variety of poems or use the Renew button to create a new one. You can even email the poem to her with a simple export function. Not that you shouldn’t, but this process requires very limited thinking and will be really handy for when you have nothing at the last minute.
Pick up lines
If you can use your iPhone to give a speech why not use it to pick up chicks. Ever wanted to use some corny line that has potential to sweep some girl in a bar off her feet, then this could be just what you need. Mind you, we don’t guarantee it’ll work, nor does Apple for that matter but hey, what have you got to lose, except your dignity. Then again using your mobile with an application to pick up chicks doesn’t say much for the same.
PuriCard: Love Bites - $0.99 (Rs. 48)
For those frustrated valentines who still however, want their partners to know they care but are nevertheless, still frustrated, this application is probably a great way to get those sentiments across.
What this application does is allow you to use images from your device (already present or recently captured with the camera) and customize them with stickers of some rather interesting designs. Thankfully the stickers are not of a lower resolution so rest assured they’ll all be quite clear to whomever you send them to. The ‘finished’ image can be emailed. There are plenty of options to use from colors to a variety of stickers.
Just in case you don’t have a valentine to share the day with we here at Tech2.0 do not recommend just going out and getting hammered. No sir, that’s never a good idea. However there is an alternative to the hard liquor binging and that is... (drum roll please) the iBeer binging, a safe way to get over those pesky valentines who either blew you off or didn’t exist in the first place.
This may not, of course, work like the real thing but hey, it’s a whole lot safer. It’s all in your head anyways right?
iGirl - $0.99 (Rs. 48)
The definitive application for the lonely guys on Valentines day! A virtual date with a virtual girl could be your ticket to beating the boredom. iGirl is a virtual 3D person on your device that is quite well designed (if you catch my drift) that you can customize from skin color, appearance and clothes. It has built in features that allow you to interact (limited) with the 3D model by moving the handset or touching the screen.
The most interesting part is it also has language and speech features (also limited) to add an even more realistic-like interaction. Again this is nothing like the real thing, but hey, it is cheaper. But do to try to restrain yourselves guys.
While I’m sure my girl is fuming from the ears and nose with these cockamamie suggestions, I’d like to assure her this is not what I have in mind.
These are simply alternatives and ideas on what I could do, should she provide reason for me to do so. This is a chance though to explore an offbeat fun side to the whole lovey-dovey angle, but that has its advantages too.
Happy Valentines Day!!!
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