33 types of friends you should rejoice having this Friendship Day
33 types of friends you should rejoice having this Friendship Day
Friendship day is around the corner and everyone has begun to plan outings to meet their buddies and have some fun. So, have you decided all the friends you want to meet? In case, you left out any let’s remind you of the types of friends we all have so that we don’t miss out on any one of them as each friend is different, unique and important.

We are all travellers and it’s our ships that help us sail through the storms and struggles the oceans bring forth. The stronger the ship, the greater the distance we travel. And indeed, one of the best ships that’ll help you sail through your life’s ups and downs is Friend-Ship!

Friendship day is around the corner and everyone has begun to plan outings to meet their buddies and have some fun. So, have you decided all the friends you want to meet? In case, you left out any let’s remind you of the types of friends we all have so that we don’t miss out on any one of them as each friend is different, unique and important.

1.THE MISER: So, she didn’t call you back? Are you sure she got busy? Because she just might be saving some money yet again!

2.MR./MS. KNOW-IT-ALL: When was the last time you tried to prove a point, and your friend clearly outshone you? And bragged about it too?

3.THE MUSICALLY INCLINED ONE: You’re stuck in a situation and you pour your heart out to your best friend. What do you expect to get? If you’re anticipating an advice coming from this friend, then you’re mistaken!

4.THE TEARY-EYED FRIEND: Sob. Sob. Insecurity creeps in your friend’s heart and you struggle to stop him from getting over-emotional.

5.THE MOTIVATING FRIEND: No matter how bad you’re stuck, this friend will always have your back and will constantly support you.

6.THE TRUSTWORTHY FRIEND: When you’re with this friend, you’d never find yourself facing a situation alone.

7.THE MUTUAL FRIEND: The friend who has a crush on a mutual friend and will keep asking for updates about her.

8.THE TRUE FRIEND: The true friend who lived with you through thick and thin, even when you were a no-body!

9.THE VICTORIOUS ONE: The happiest person in the world, because he came out of the friend-zone finally!

10.THE FRIEND WHO NEVER TAKES YOUR SIDE: No matter, how you feel, the way this friend will console you will only make you feel worse because she is never on your side.

11.THE FRIEND YOU’LL REGRET FRIEND-ZONING: He wasn’t supposed to grow so pretty, was he?

12.THE NON-APPRECIATIVE FRIEND: Did you just get an awesome makeover done and were insulted for it? Weren’t you expecting it already?

13.THE NON-JUDGEMENTAL FRIEND: The understanding friend who’d not judge you on the basis of anything; who’d rather be there for you because he genuinely cares for you!

14.THE OVER- SENTIMENTAL FRIEND: You offend her once and she’ll go in her shell and never open up to you again.

15.THE SHOCKER: You’d not know you’re going to get a compliment until he completes his sentence because the first few words will always make you doubt that.

16.THE IMPULSIVE ONE: The same old story. She got angry and said things she shouldn’t have due to her impulsive nature and then apologized! You knew you’d forgive her anyway!

17.THE FORGETFUL ONE: The friend who’d not remember even her own birthday if you didn’t remind her. She’d be lost without you, so you make sure you’re there with her!

18.THE NAGGING FRIEND: Why so shocked? It isn’t the first time that she said you changed for worse! And well, it won’t be the last time either!

19.THE CONFIDENCE BOOSTING FRIEND: No matter how low you’re feeling, this friend will know what you’re feeling without you having to say it and will always leave you with a thought that lifts your mood.

20.THE ONE WHO FINDS YOU UNIQUE: You wouldn’t ever feel like you’re 'just anybody’ with this friend. You’ll always feel special.

21.TRUE BELIEVER OF LOVE: If you had a break up, it doesn’t mean that love is a bad thing. You’ll often hear such defending statements about love from this friend.

22.THE ONE WHO IS CONSTANTLY COMPARING: You thought you would share your problems with your friend until you figure that like always, her problems are projected to be bigger than yours. Is there a choice? No. You listen first to what your friend has to say to avoid an argument.

23.THE SECRET ADMIRER: The guy you’d never know has a big crush on you, because he’s too shy to say it.

24.THE MATURE AND WISE FRIEND: You’d get the correct judgment for whether you did right or wrong but at the same time will feel supported because your friend understands that sometimes it’s not about what is right but about what you feel.

25.THE FOODIES: You were extremely happy to see your friends at your parents’ anniversary only to realize they had their eyes only on the cake!

26.THE AMBITIOUS FRIEND: Every time you talk, you’d hear about what your friend wants to achieve in life and how close to his goal he is. You’re happy for him until you recall that his meeting at his office was the reason why he missed your engagement.

27.DESPERATE ONE: Be it a party or any event this friend will surely ask how many girls are coming.

28.THE INSPIRATION INDUCING: He’d give you the wings to dream and will ignite the passion in you to live your life to the fullest.

29.THE RELATIONSHIP COACH: You’d get the right advice from this friend!

30.THE CAREFREE ONE: This friend might have embarrassed you a few times but also gave you the courage to live freely.

31.THE PHILOSOPHICAL ONE: From time to time, you’d get to hear words of wisdom and profound thoughts on various topics from this friend. It’s bearable but only till it’s done in a limit, right?

32.THE COMMITTED ONE: The friend who complains about not getting freedom even though he is happily committed.

33.THE FRIEND WITH ALL THE SARCASM: This friend will make you weirdly enjoy his company. You might not be able to take the sarcasm well, but you wouldn’t be able to avoid him either. Dilemma!

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