How to Control Cursing and Swearing in Children
How to Control Cursing and Swearing in Children
Cursing is one such copy-cat habit. Though children are too young to understand what they are saying, the same habit in teens is a bit more conscientious and can become problematic.

Raising children is kind of like diffusing a bomb. You have to constantly be on guard, be careful not to spoil them but also be sure to be tender with your touch. Make a wrong move, and you will forever be marked as the person responsible for the ‘blast.’

You teach them everything, from using the toilet to politeness and etiquettes. They learn things by copying. However, sometimes they copy all the wrong things.

Cursing is one such copy-cat habit. Though children are too young to understand what they are saying, the same habit in teens is a bit more conscientious and can become problematic.

The kids learn from people around them, elders or peers in home, school, neighbourhood and so on.

They might randomly curse in front of you or the family someday. You may never know how long they have been doing it. However, it is possible to control such behaviour in children.

It is important to let them know what is the polite way to use language and how to properly communicate. It is important to impart this behaviour at a young age as it may affect their future attitude as well.

Here are some ways to discipline your child and demotivate them from swearing.

1.You cannot expect your children to be perfect if you falter yourself. After all, the kids will most likely copy you first. Make sure you are using appropriate language in front of them and around the house.

2.There’s no point in tip-toeing around the topic. Let your kid know straightaway that swearing is wrong and will result in punishments. Establish consequences of breaking the protocol, create a list of non-acceptable vocabulary and so on.

3.Just like you should alter your swear-laden vocabulary for non-problematic ones, let your kids have that same option. There are subtler swear words like saying darn instead of damn. Shoot, instead of shit/crap and so on.

4.This is a little hard to do in the age of the internet. But try to monitor their online and media exposure through parental controls and keep an eye on them if they are watching any shows/movies with heavy swearing.

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